Chapter 3

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What could be down there? Each step seemed steep, and old. Like if I stepped on one it would loudly creak and squeak under my weight. It seemed I'd be trapped here awhile, so what would be so wrong in exploring a little?

I held my breath and descended down the first few steps. Each step seemed to make the room grow darker. When I looked down the steps it was as if light had no longer existed. As I continued, I brushed my hand along the stone wall that surrounded the rickety stairs. The stone wall was cool to my touch, it reminded me of a horror movie I had watched a while ago. As I let myself continue down, I reached what I assume to be the cellar floor. Oddly, it didn't smell like what I'd assume it to be. I assumed to smell a dirty or dusty aroma, after seeing the old stairs, why wouldn't a cellar smell as such? But the smell was... strange, to say the least. Yet oddly familiar. That's when I realised it smelled the same as the cupcakes I've had recently from Oliver's bakery.

I don't know why, but I was suddenly reminded of my leg. Why didn't it hurt like before? I thought for a moment 'til I came to a conclusion. It must be from all the adrenalin. That would also explain why my arm wasn't stinging so much. Why was my arm stinging in the first place? How did I even get here? Why am I here? Why did Oliver have a blade on him when he entered the room? All these unaswered questions filled my mind as I continued to search for a light source. I tripped on some thing while my mind distracted and my hands searching the walls. The sudden contact with the ground made my leg throb. Great. I turned to what I had tripped on. I stared at it for a while, letting my eyes adjust more to the darkness. Soon I could barely make out a shape. It looked to be a discarded crate. A discarded crate in an abandoned cellar, nothing odd about that.

I slowly pushed myself up, feeling something next to me. I looked up to see a chair... with straps? I got up, leaning on the chair for support as my leg continued to throb. I felt liquid under my arm. Most of it was dry, I could tell because of the way it dried. It reminded me of paint, how paint dries if done wrongly in a cracking sort of  way. The liquid that had yet to dry had seeped into the chair. What happened to have caused liquid to dry in such a way? That's when the smell hit me, that metal smell got stronger. I thought it was from the chair, but as I got closer to the wall, it became so strong my eyes watered. It was disgusting. I walked torwards the smell, surprisingly wilfully. I noticed a larger box than the one I stumbled on. Though, it hummed. Like a fridge would. Curiosity took over and I opened the fridge. Finally, some light.

Disgust, hatred, fear, sorrow... it all hit me at once.  In the fridge had been limbs, organs, bloodied skin. I screamed a loud, ear peircing scream. I ran into a corner that had a table full of shining metal objects. I hid under the table and held my legs close as my eyes watered. I then sobbed uncontrollably. My tears splashed down my face, falling fast. I gagged as I saw the open fridge from across the room. I regretted not closing it. My tears soaked through my clothes as I just wanted to wake from this horrific nightmare.

The door opened and the light turned on. Footsteps hurriedly rushed down the stairs. "Poppet are you alright? Where are you?"

I sobbed, still, trying to stop. I was so overwhelmed by fear. I shut my eyes tight and burried my face in my knees. I heard the footsteps stop by the fridge. Then they eased towards me. I kept my eyes shut as I sobbed quietly. "Ah- poppet, there you are! Why are you crying?"

I screamed again. "G... get a-a...way!" I somehow managed to say through my sobs. I could almost feel him frown. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me out from under the table. I squirmed, trying to get away from his grip. He picked me up bridal-style and began to walk upstairs. I squirmed and kicked, trying to be dropped. His grip only grew tighter. I gave up and began to sob again. I would have never had guessed this would be the way I died.

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