Chapter 7

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RECCCtangle fuckin pushed me to do this LeAvE mE aLonE pLEAsE

She stayed silent most of the bath, leading me to try to start up small talk that ended up with me answering. She seemed to cringe at my attempts. Which, on my end was starting to get uncomfortable. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. Allen's voice followed it. "You two done in there? I have to piss."

I forgot he was still here. Wait, he's been here the entire time?

"Why are you still here, Allen?"

"Matt's at home, and you know how that is."

"Ah, I see. But can't you go pee in the woods?"

"Hm. Didn't think of that. Im gonna go piss on your piece of shit house."

I growled. "Swear jar!"

"Yeah, whatever old man."

I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to (Y/n). She stared at the calm water about her, not moving or speaking. It's like she didn't even notice Allen come in. She seemed to be back in the state I've seen her in before. That made me shudder. I still need to hear her voice!

I decided to put a stop to it before she stayed quiet for a long period of time again. I poked her shoulder and said, "Hey, psst, heyyy."

She continued to stare at the water.

I poked harder and faster. "Hey, hey, psst, hey."

Her face was ticked, obviously annoyed by me. At least I got a reaction. Eventually she slapped my hand away and yelled,"WHAT?"

I smiled sheepishly and said, "No need to be rude!"

She rolled her eyes and looked at the wall next to her. "Whatever."

I frowned and rested my head against the side of the tub, next to her arm. "What's bothering you?"

She sighed angrily. "You really are crazy."

I pouted and puffed out my bottom lip. "What? What's really bothering you?"

She still didn't look at me and said, "You. You're the problem. You have problems."

"Wha- no! What am I doing?"

"For one you kidnapped me."

"Invited you over!"

She decided not to argue with me and said, "Sure. But you also slaughtered (F/n)," she shuddered and held back a sob, "in front of me for no reason!"

I realised then that she still didn't know I use organs in cupcakes. Maybe it's best she doesn't know that.

"It wasn't for no reason! She took you from me! She stepped in between us,  and I showed her the consequences..."

"That's insane! Are you listening to yourself?"

I nodded my head. "I don't see what's wrong with it."

She laughed a little and sighed looking up with tears in her eyes. "Why?"

I pouted. I reached in the warm water and grabbed her hand with both of mine. This caught her by surprise and looked at me with wide eyes.

"You don't understand- I had to. If I didn't kill her, she could've taken you away from me, again!" I yelled, tears starting to fall. "I don't wanna lose you!"

She stared at me wide eyed and mouth agape. She then shook her head and looked away. "Why am I so special?"

"Because-! You have this look in your eye that always makes me feel happy!.. and you made me feel special.."

"You make it sound like no one has ever thanked you before," she sighed.

I looked away and rubbed the back of my neck. "Ha ha, no, not really..."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. "... I'll get you a towel."

With that I left.

_(First Person)_

I sat there, resting my head against the wall. Who am I kidding? I can just end it here. That made me think why I haven't yet.

If there is no escape... Wait. Maybe if I earn his trust I can escape and find a skilled surgeon to take the device out? It sounded ridiculous but it gave me hope. He came back carrying a white towel. He set it on the side of the tub and just stood there. He smiled while he stared at me.


He continued to stare.

Well alright then. I slowly lifted myself out of the tub, looking away from Oliver, pretending he wasn't there. I wrapped the towel around me. I stood out of the tub and stood next to Oliver, looking away as my face heated up. "Follow me~" Oliver said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom. I gripped the towel tightly, not wanting it to slip. Allen was on the couch, though he pretended not to see me.

He led me into the bedroom and excitedly went to the bed. He frowned and looked back at me. "They're missing! I'll go look for them, wait here."

I infered 'them' as clothing. I sat on the bed, dying from uncomfortableness. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Allen came in. My breath hitched as he walked in. He held a finger to his lips as he smirked. "Hey doll~ I wanted to have a little chat, alone."

He moved towards me and sat next me, relatively close. I tried to scoot away, my arms tight around my towel. Though, at my attempt, he reached a firm arm around my side, acting as a baracade to my escape. His hand moved towards my thigh, and gave it a little squeeze. My eyes widened and I gave a squeak. Was I going to get raped?! His head got near my neck, his breath hot, sending shivers down my spine. "You know... you could come with me. Instead of staying here, since you seem to be scared of ole Ollie. Whadya say?"

Before I could answer, Oliver came in cheerfully holding a quite extravagant outfit. Though his joyess face didn't last long until it dropped into a frown. "Allen," he hissed. "What are you doing with (Y/n)?"

Allen never left his postion. "Time to make your choice~"

Oh shit... what should I do?? Should I go with Allen? Or stay with Oliver?

A/n: Next chapter is gonna be a choice. You get to decide who to go with, plus it's last chapter.


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