Chapter 5

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Just a warning, if you are easily sick by gruesome and disturbing things, I recommend not reading this. This chapter contains dark and disturbing text that includes the effect of death, torture, you get the idea. I wish you luck, my readers.


"You're finally awake poppet~"

Why? Why was he here? I was so close to freedom! Why must he be here? How did he know?

I backed up which led me to trip over a box behind me. "Careful poppet, wouldn't want you to be hurt." My breathing was ragged once again. The same question repeated through my head. 'Why? Why why why why?' He got up from his spot and pulled my wrist helping me up to stand. He turned me around to where my back was pressed against his chest and he led me forward to (F/n). When I took a closer look with what little light there was, I noticed (F/n)'s arm out of the blanket and a dot of blood in the inside of her arm. Oliver tossed the empty syringe next to her unconscious body. "Today I'll show you what happens when someone tries to take you away from me. Okay, poppet~?"

I shuddered. "What do you mean?"

He laughed a little. "I'll show you. But we must get home first."

He motioned towards the door. "How?" I asked. From what I knew, he didn't have a car. He smirked and put a finger to his lips. "Magick."

I was about to ask what he meant when I saw a flash of brown and my mind went blank. I wasn't sure if I was still awake or asleep, but I my mind was definitely unconscious. When my mind was conscious again, I was in that merky old basement, and the light was on, where I found... that. The barber's chair that had straps now contained a person. That person was (F/n). My eyes widened. Oliver wasn't going to hurt her, was he?


I turned to the noise, which wasn't  (F/n). It was Oliver. Shocker. Though I jumped slightly because he was right next to me. He grinned and said, "Lookie~ I'm going to show you what happens when someone gets between us!"


He cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. I was going to slap his hand away but found that my arms were restrained behind me. I frowned.

He got up and walked to the table I had once hid under. He scanned the items before muttering something and for some reason (F/n) suddenly 'woke up' from what seemed to be a trance. She looked around frantically, taking in where she was. Her face paled when she saw Oliver. I brought my attention back to Oliver and saw what he chose from the table. I also paled. It was a long, metal hook-like thing and was extremely sharp at the end. "Oliver what are you doing? You aren't going to hurt her, right?" I said, my voice cracking multiple times.

He looked at me with what seemed to be pitty. "Oh, poppet, I promise this'll help both of us."

"What?" I cried.

I knew (F/n) wanted to say something, but her mouth was restricted from saying anything from a gag.

Without hesitation, he swiftly angled and brought the hook up efficiently. The hook peirced through the bottom of (F/n)'s jaw, sliding up through her tounge and barely skinning the roof of  her mouth. A moment of silence laced the room as realisation slowly kicked in. (F/n) let out an ear curdling scream. My eyes were so wide I could've competed against the Simpons. "Oliver!" I screamed. "Stop! You're hurting her!"

He pulled the hook out, letting blood drip and slide down (F/n)'s throat. She cried and screamed again. I pulled against the restraints trying desperately to be freed. He threw the hoom to the side and went to grab another weapon. He grabbed two long pins that were both equally as sharp as the hook. He walked in front of (F/n) and took one pin and harshly shoved it into her shoulder sendind it into the cushion of the chair behind her. She screamed again. Her screams only made my tears worse. Oliver took the next pin and did the same.

Next Oliver pulled out a kitchen knife and began tracing it delicately along (F/n)'s skin. She cried and groaned with each movement Oliver made.

"Mo...tha f...fucka..." (F/n) hissed out with her wounded tounge.

Oliver frowned. "I told you I hated swearing." His face lit up. "Did you know it takes the same force to bite through a carrot and a finger?"

(F/n) furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Oliver then leaned down to (F/n)'s strapped down hand and opened his mouth around (F/n)'s finger. "Nom~" Oliver said as he bit through (F/n)'s fingers. She screamed bloody murder. Oliver swallowed them hole as he let the fresh blood scew everwhere as he bent back up and wiped the blood falling from his mouth. He wandered back to the table  and grabbed a long, ragged blade that could be used to cut turkey.

(I mean this btw ^^)

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(I mean this btw ^^)

He came back over to (F/n) and slid up her shirt getting it caught between her neck and chest. (F/n) squirmed and tried to get away from Oliver, afraid of what he might do. Like rape, for example. Though, when Oliver normally did this, he always wondered why women squirmed so much when it came to this. He of course never thought of intercourse.

Oliver flipped the knife upside down so that the handle was closest to his face. One of his hands sat flatly against the back of the blade near the bottom, angling the knife's blade closer to (F/n)'s pelvis. He brought the blade in closer and dragged it up, (F/n) screaming the entire way. He dropped the blade to the ground making a cladder, (F/n)'s face paler than ever, about to pass out from shock, pain, blood loss, or all.

Oliver found the flaps of the skin with his hands and folded them open, drawing his hands in and searching for something in the chest area. Oliver grunted slightly, normally the torturing would've lasted longer. Oh well. He tugged something hard and pulled it out. (F/n)'s eyes immediatly dulled, her head dropped, and a gruesome sight was to be witnessed. All of her muscles relaxed at once, her jaw hanging loosley, her organs around the chest loose, ready to fall out, and her expression paused into a feared and sorrowful expression. During this process, all of her muscles relaxing caused her to let loose anything stuck inside her. In other words, she shit herself.

I looked up at Oliver to see what he did to kill her. In his hands was a heart. An actual human heart. Right there, in front of me. He started laughing. Laughing hard at the organ in his hand. Once he had his fit, he said aloud, "That's how you take out an organ, properly."

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