Chapter 6

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_(Oliver's P.O.V.)_

It's been a week since I killed (F/n). (Y/n) just stares blankly at the wall. When I greet her, she doesn't acknowledge my existence. I unlocked her from her restraints but she never moves, say, or do anything. I give her food but she never eats. I give her water but she never drinks. It's to a point where I have to force feed and drink her. I wanted to move her out of the basement, but, I don't know why, I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm going crazy without hearing her voice. Why won't she speak to me?!

I've cleaned up the corpse and took what I needed from it, but she still doesn't move. I need to bathe her, but, I just can't get her up stairs. Maybe I'll call Allen. I really don't want him to see her, let alone touch her, but it needs to be done. Today I brought down a bowl of soup for her.

Tears pricked my eyes as I walked down the cellar steps. I sat down beside her and said,"Say ahhh~"

She didn't move, I don't know why I thought she would. I sighed as I felt a single tear fall as I smiled at her. I opened her mouth and inserted my spoon into her mouth, closed it, and pulled the spoon out causing a little of it to fall down her chin. I wiped it off and prepared another spoonful until I heard a knock at the door. I sighed and put the spoon in the bowl making a 'clink' noise as I set it next to her and left to see who it was.

_(First Person)_

I didn't know what was reality and what was dreams and nightmares. Sometimes I was in a basement and then this angel or savior would come and feed me. I'd laugh and talk with him until he left, leaving me in the dark with (F/n). (F/n) became quite a dick. Whenever I talked to her, she ignored me and stayed silent. She was never like this! Sometimes I'd see her rotting corpse and scream for the angel to save me from this nightmare. Sometimes the shadows would laugh at me and make fun of me for being skinny and yucky. I wasn't skinny! I was well fed, and kept clean. I bathed almost every night! Those shadows were quite rude, if I do say so myself!

The angel came back today, or I should say now. I don't know what's what, but now the angel was here, now. He gave me soup and was offly quiet today. I was going to ask what was wrong when he just arruptly left! Man, now he is even becoming rude. How sad.

He came back later with this... demon like figure. He was so scary! They started having a conversion, different from what I've ever heard the savior speak.

"Jesus! Are you starving her?!" The demon figure said.

"No! She just doesn't eat on her own. She never talks anymore, either," the savior said sadly.

Were they talking about me?

"And why did you need my help?" The demon asked.

"I already told you! I.... just can't bring myself to do it..." the savior said.

Were they going to kill me?!

"But... Ollie, you've done this multiple times. Why can't you do it now?"

He's... he's killed before?

"I don't know!" The savior shouted.

"That's really strange, Ollie. Even for you. I mean, I'll do it, but I still don't understand, " the demon said, shaking and scratching his head.

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