Oliver Ending

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I didn't move. "So what's it gonna be, doll?"

I jumped up, my towel sliding a little. I then hid behind Oliver. Oliver snarled at Allen, "You boggle head!" (A/n: okay i just tried to imagine someone saying 'you boggle head' really angrily and seriously and started laughing) Oliver then swiftly dropped the clothes, gently, then grabbed and aimed a knife at Allen. Allen stood up, holding his hands up in defense. "Hey, hey, hey. No need to get violent!"

Oliver then, as if playing Jousting his entire life, elegantly stabbed Allen directly in the gut. Allen's white tang top was now cut and stained, while his eyes widened and he looked up. He coughed up blood before saying, "Oliver-"

Before he could finish, Oliver shoved the knife harder into Allen's gut. Allen stiffened, then leaned forward and fell limp. Oliver sighed and wiped his head, getting blood on his forehead. He then looked back to me with teary eyes. "You stayed with me," he said. "You actually stayed with me!"

I stood there silent, as all the events happened so fast. He dropped his bloody knife and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back, though I'm not sure why. He seemed to stand there loosely, as if leaning on me for support. "What now...?" He breathed in my chest.

"I.... I dunno."

Oliver looked back to the corpse on the floor. "I wonder what he'll taste like," Oliver said thoughtfully.


Oliver looked back at me with a childish smile. "Oh right, you don't know..."

I raised an eyebrow. "Know what?"

"You know that fridge in the cellar? I use those ingredients in my cupcakes!" he said proudly.

My stomach churned. "So... I ate human flesh?"

He nodded joyfully. "Yes sirree!"

I felt sick.

"You alright, poppet? You look quite pale!"

"I think I'm going to be sick!"

A few moments later, my head hovered over the toilet as I puked up the contents of my stomach. Oliver sat beside me while holding my hair back and rubbing my back. He didn't seem to be affected by the smell. Which was good I guess. "Looks like you get another bath," he laughed.

I shuddered at the thought. After puking up my last round, which left me shaking with tears in my eyes. "N-No I'm good."

He only laughed at that, and helped me up. He led me back to the guest bedroom and helped me get dressed in that colorful outfit he had picked out.

"So..." Oliver started.

I looked at him for him to continue.

"Was my cupcake bad...? Was there too much frosting?"

"No, no, no! It was delicious, it's just.."

"So there's no problem, then. But why did you vomit?"

"Oliver! It's human flesh! I'm not a cannibal!"

"What's wrong with it?"

"You're eating your own kind!"

"But... that's how animal kingdoms work!"

I sighed. "Not ours, Oliver. Not ours."

He looked away sheepishly while puffing out his cheeks and tapping his index fingers together. His eyes wandered to the corpse on the ground. He began to drool while staring at the corpse.

_(Oliver's P.O.V.)_

What would Allen taste like? I never tasted a country before.. Would he taste like his country's national food? Though, I've never seen Allen eat a hamburger. But what would this mean? Am I in control of America again? How would the other countries react?

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