Chapter 4

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His house was surrounded by woods. I ran straight from the front door. If I found a road maybe I could wave down a car and get out of here. My legs felt heavy. Tears fell from my eyes as I ran. This game of tag was nothing like the games I've played before. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I then found a dirt road, I sprinted down it, in no direction particularly. I ran down the middle of the street. I must look insane.

A half an hour past and I had to slow to a brisk jog as I couldn't sprint anymore. My chest hurt, my breathing was harsh, and my legs ached. I was a fair distance away so I felt I didn't need to run as fast anymore. Still no sign of cars, though. Maybe I ran the wrong way? Well, too late to change course now. My face was sticky and stinging from all my tears. Tears of fear, anxiety, sorrow, and more. I still ran, the house had been out of sight for a while now. There's no way Oliver could find me! Though, deep down I was still terrified in case he does.

Two minutes 'til an hour. I need to find a place to hide. I broke off the road into the trees. Should I climb up one? Burry myself in leaves? I broke out into a frenzy. What should I do? I looked around frantically. I saw roots coming out of the ground forming a cave-like thing. I ran to it and crawled under it and held a hand over my mouth to help keep myself quiet.

Thirty seconds....




I squeezed my eyes shut. I tried lightening my mood by thinking that I went really far and he won't be able to find me! Yeah... I'm safe. I can be free!

The seconds were over. All the birds stopped chirping, the wind stopped rustling the leaves. It's like we were all held by the suspense. What would happen? Would he find me? Oh my god.... I hope he didn't find me.. please... I don't wanna die.

A minute passed. Maybe... I really am free? Will I get to go home? Would home even be safe if I escape? I suddenly became lost in my thoughts, trying to distract myself from the horror of reality right now.

"Found you~"

I screamed and looked up from my hiding spot to see Oliver looking down at me with that wide grin of his.

" Wh-why?" I asked him completely shocked. I wanted to just... Give up. I didn't want this anymore. I was too overwhelmed by fear and emotions right now, it made me shake.

"Silly, I can't lose you so easily, you see! I put a tracking device in your arm, poppet~"

So... That's why it stung? Wasn't that cheating? Well, he was a murderer, why would he play fair? I stayed where I was and let more tears fall. I'd have to stay with him... forever. Plus, it's not like I could escape. He's probably thought of every possible way I could escape and prevent it. And that didn't include the tracking device. So this was my life now?

"Poppet, come here~"

I didn't move. What's the worst he could do, kill me? Death seemed fine right now. Death seemed like the only escape from this hell. He sighed and scooped me out and carried me in his arms. I didn't struggle, mostly because I didn't have the energy. I sat and stared blankly. If Oliver said some thing, I wouldn't have heard it. My eyelids felt heavy, once again. I let them fall close while he carried me in his arms. I felt cold so I leaned into him trying to find warmth. He seemed to notice me doing this since he pulled me closer to him. I snuggled my head in his chest. Maybe... Oliver wasn't so bad. I hadn't had time to scold myself for thinking that before sleep overcame me.

_(Oliver's P.O.V)_

(Y/n) didn't resist when I picked her up like previous times. She looked like she was in shock, or like an emotionless robot. Either way, it was nice to have her accept me within my arms. I felt her head against my chest. I looked down to see her frowning and trying to lean into me. I smiled. Did she finally feel comfortable around me? I held her closer and her frown disappeared. I stared at her for a moment.

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