Attack of the Killer Potatoes

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"AAAAH! OOF!" Ninja harshly crashed back first into a tree and actually shoved it back a bit and fell to the floor.

"Ack!" Komori skidded next to him on her back harshly on the ground.

"That," Ninja started grabbing the large rock nearby to pull himself up, "Hurt..."

"Try being slammed into a wall..." Komori groaned sitting up.

The shadow of the robot they were fighting covered them. The two looked up and saw it standing there.

"Uh-oh," Ninja said.

The robot roared and stomped up to them.

Ninja and Komori stood up.

"Smokebomb!" Ninja said and the two dropped each a smoke bomb disappearing in their soft and stinky smokes before the monster could stomp on them.

When the monster lifted its foot it didn't see anything but it's footprint on the floor. It looked around confused.

Ninja and Komori managed to get some distance between themselves and the robot somewhere near some rocks.

Ninja pulled out his Nomicon and set it down, "Okay, Nomicon," he started, "Little help here."

The book glew red.

"Be right back," he said.

Komori nodded, "I'll keep an eye on that hunk of metal."

Ninja flipped open the Nomicon and shlooped inside, and his body fell sideways onto Komori's lap.

She blushed as his head rested on her lap.

Randy fell through the book and was floating in the air.

"'When faced with a mighty enemy'" he read out loud, "'Counter with a mightier force.'"

He came back to his body sitting up and closing the book.

"Mightier force?" he asked as he put the Nomicon away on his scarf, "What's mightier than a killer robot?" he then noticed Komori blushing, "Something up? You look a little red."

"Oh, no! Nothing!" she quickly said looking away, "I-I'm just a little warm from the sun and fighting! Hehehe..."


The robot ran up to them and jumped hitting the large rock above them.

Ninja and Komori jumped out from under it avoiding the large rock from crushing them.

The two landed and reached into their scarves.

"Ninja chain-sickle!" Ninja pulled out and twirled his chain sickle and Komori took out her staff and attached each of her tessen to an end making it a double bladed Naginata.

The two ran at the robot with war cries as they spun their weapons.

The two jumped on it and began slicing it, but no damage was done.

The two noticed their mistake when they sliced their weapons at its face and nothing happen.

"Uh-oh," Ninja said and the two quickly jumped off narrowly avoiding being crushed by the shovel hands of the robot.

The two landed and Ninja threw his chain at the robot, but it didn't end well. The robot began chewing taking the chain into its mouth and as it chewed it pulled the chain more.

Ninja was starting to be pulled closer and Komori put her weapon away and tried to stop him by holding his waist and pulling back with him.

However, that was futile as they were still pulled.

Randy Cunningham and (Y/n) (L/n): 9th Grade Ninja and Miraculous UserWhere stories live. Discover now