Wreck Of An Ex

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"(Y/n)," Shadow whispered.

"Mmm..." she turned around on the couch.

"(Y/n)! Wake up!" he whisper-shouted.

Still no response.

Shadow sighed annoyed. He glanced over to Tikki and was met with her chuckling while covering her mouth.

He gave her a deadpanned look and tapped his chin. He then smiled and leaned in close, "(Y/n), I think I saw Damien outside with some flowers~"

(Y/n) sat up with a fist and irritated expression, "Where is that son of a--"

"Shh," Shadow covered her mouth. He pointed over to Randy and Howard.

The two boys were snoring in their sleeping bags.

Marinette sat up, "What's up, Tikki?" she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"It's almost 9," Tikki said, "Aren't you supposed to meet up with Adrien and the Ninja?"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she panicked.

The two girls quickly and quietly got up, picked their clothes, and ran out of the room.

Jiji had woken up hearing them. He yawned and curled up into the blankets and went back to sleep.


Komori ran over the roofs with Ladybug running next to her.

"You think Chat's waiting for us?" Ladybug asked.

"Knowing him," they jumped over a gap, "He's been waiting. You two're always punctual when it comes to meeting up," she glanced up, "Although, I'd expect you'd be the punctual one," she wiggled her eyebrows at her, "Considering you were a creep by knowing his whole schedule."

"It's not creepy," she pouted.

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Shut up!"

She gave her a toothy smirk.


"Cunningham..." Howard whispered.

"Just five more minutes..." Randy said still asleep.

Howard growled. He tapped his chin and then had an idea, "Look, (y/n) in a bikini!"

"Huh, wait, what!?" Randy shot up.

Howard had a smug look.

Randy glared at him, "What the juice, Howard!?"

"What do you mean "what the juice"!? You're gonna be late to meet up with Komori and the other two!"

"What are you talking about?" he crossed his arms.

"Morning, 9 am, something about going to the protector."

"Ah, cheese! I totally forgot!" he quickly got up, but then stopped, "Hey, where's (y/n)?"

Howard shrugged, "Girls were gone when I woke up. Probably went to go do something."

"Well, I better get going before they come back."

Randy quickly pulled his mask on and went up to the roof of the bakery and jumped out into the city.

Jiji had woken up once again to the sound and growled annoyed before going further into the blankets to sleep again.


Komori was tapping her foot on the floor impatiently as her, Chat Noir, and Ladybug were at the top of the Eiffel tower.

Randy Cunningham and (Y/n) (L/n): 9th Grade Ninja and Miraculous UserWhere stories live. Discover now