Trip To Pari

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(A/n: This is my FIRST Original chapter of others so I'm sorry if it's going to be bad. I feel like the characters could end up being OOC so sorry if that happens. Also, this chapter could end up longer than the others so if it gets too long I'll make this to a two-part one.)


(Y/n) groaned under the covers of her futon. Jiji slept curled up in the space near the edge of the bed.


She groaned annoyed and stuck her hand out of the blankets. She grabbed her phone from the Nightstand and began pulling it with the charger still connected.

She tugged and then groaned again realizing the cable was still connected. She pulled the cord off and her arm snaked back under her covers with her phone.

"Who is it?" Shadow asked groggily.

"It's the guys..."

She sat up with bed hair and Shadow limply fell off her head and landed on Jiji, who still hasn't woken up.

She read over the messages.

"What they say?" Shadow asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

She checked the group chat and saw the guys' texts.

Hey, my dad and I are going to Paris in 2 days and we were wondering if you guys wanted to come with us.

You 2 do sometimes whine about me living in Paris anyway, so we're giving you a chance. And a way to shut you 2 up already.

Text me back once you 2 ask your folks and what they chose.

You're not messing with us, right?

Dude, she wouldn't mess with us about this

You aren't messing with us tho, right?

(Y/n) chuckled.

I'm not joking

I'm hurt that you even think that after everything we've been through 😢


You guys are no fun this time of the day -3-

But I'm not lying about this

I swear it on Mari's Parent's Bakery

And those things are good, so I am not joking

I just asked and I got the a-okay to go!

I better go ask brb

You think he'll get the okay?

(Y/n) smiled.

I think he will. It'd be kinda boring without him anyways

Where're we gonna stay if we go tho?

My dad's looking into it

Maybe at one of my friends' place or a hotel

It's so bruce you two are inviting us

Well, why not? You guys've complained about me living in Paris

This is a chance to shut you guys up already and stop whining

Randy Cunningham and (Y/n) (L/n): 9th Grade Ninja and Miraculous UserWhere stories live. Discover now