Chapter 22

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Clarissa walked along in the Woods, discouraged after trying to talk sense into her sister. Then, she felt fairies tugging on her dress. Not wanting to rip the dress, she followed them, straying farther and farther from the road. Scared, the young princess tried to pull away, until she saw the glinting black eyes, waiting to catch her and make her their evening meal. "Where are you taking me?" she cried. The fairies shushed her until they reached a clearing. They pushed her behind the wall of bushes, thorny bushes that tore Clarissa's dress and tangled her hair. She couldn't believe her eyes.


Crimson threw her head back and cackled. The young witch relished in the fact that with Maidenvale's rulers dead, the kingdom would crumble under the rule of the young prince. The problem was, she couldn't get over the eerie feeling that she was being watched...

(fast forward 40 years)

"Why are you helping me?" young Ella of Maidenvale asked. "I don't want-" The much older Clarissa Dovey shushed her. "My dear, the prince will have no choice but to choose you at the Ball."

"See, that's the thing. I don't actually want-" The young girl was quieted as Clarissa began waving her wand around. "Go, have fun! But remember, the gift will only last until midnight."

Ella ran with her baby bundled in her arms. She had just found out that the prince had had her stepsisters killed! She could hear voices in the distance, the King saying, "Let her run," the prince saying, "After her!" The king must have said something, for everyone stopped shouting. Awakened by the running, the young baby began to cry. Ella ran until she could hold out no longer, and stumbled into an abandoned house. She set her child down, and fell into the deepest of sleeps. And unbeknownst to Ella, her Fairy Godmother was watching, crying, at the destruction she had caused.

Agatha shook Dovey until her eyes lost the glassy stare they had had a few minutes before. "I had a flashback..." Dovey whispered, clinging to her former student's arm.

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