t h r e e

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Ten knitted his eyebrows together and felt himself getting dismayed. Taeil reloaded his gun that was still infront of the opponent's forehead and looked seriously at the new bodyguard. Does he really know Ten?

"Taeil," Johnny called.

"You're that bodyguard who kills, aren't you?" Taeil asked, staying the gun at Ten's head.

Ten frowned, "I did that to protect my bosses."

"Are you that good?"

"I can put a bullet into your head right here...right now," Ten muttered as he immediately pulled his gun out of his back and pointed it infront of Taeil's forehead.

"Ten! Taeil! Put those goddamn guns down," Johnny yelled.

Both of the gun men didn't budge. Ten reloaded his gun and smirked devilishly at the man, not to mention he is the brother of the CEO.

Ten immediately twisted Taeil's arm and pointed the gun upward. Taeil started to use his punches, it was going well as Ten dodged them but he did the wrong move and soon his nose bleeds by the punch. The brother pointed the gun again but the bodyguard attacked the arm of the brother. The gun was caught by Ten as Taeil cursed in pain. The brother was kicked the bodyguard's calf, making him kneel. Taeil elbowed Ten's face and Ten was in pain but he didn't mind the blood flowing.

Before Taeil could even point the guns at Ten, the bodyguard immediately escaped and stood up behind Taeil. He wrapped his arm around the brother's neck, head locking him as he pointed a gun at his forehead.

Taeil smiled and dropped the guns as he shrugged before he clapped, "My brother finally hired someone capable."

Ten puts down gun and lets go of Taeil, the brother threw the gun at him. The bodyguard slid his guns back and looked at the man with a frown.

"Welcome to the company. Ten, isn't it?" Taeil asked and offered a hand.

Ten slowly shook hands with Taeil, "Yes," and separated their hands.

"I'll get going then."

"Wait, so you did all that for what?" Ten asked.

"Doesn't performances count for applying jobs?" Taeil asked before he said his goodbye and left the room.

Ten looked at Johnny and walked closer to the wooden desk. He bowed and stood straight. He avoided the CEO's eyes and didn't know why.

"Sir," Ten called but he didn't say anything, he wiped the blood across his face.

"You kill people?" Johnny asked.

Ten nodded, "I need to protect them."

"Will you still do the same?"

"Of course. You're the one I need to protect right now."

Ten didn't why his words sounded all too cheesy. But Johnny stood up and walked over to Ten. It was like an alarm went off in Ten's mind and made him all weak.

"Let's go. I need to be in a meeting today," Johnny said.

Ten was about to say something but Johnny walked pass him. He just followed the CEO and couldn't help but adore the style he's wearing. Johnny's wearing a navy blue dress shirt and is tacked into the black pants. He is also wearing gold specs and his face is still undeniably perfect. All Ten did was to curse in mind.

Ten opened the door of the car for Johnny and the CEO stepped in before the bodyguard stepped into the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove the car. The ride was quiet and Ten felt very awkward but it's all about being professional. It's an employee-boss relationship thing, no feelings involved.

Soon, they arrived at the venue and Ten then again opened the door for Johnny. Both of them soon walked into the building, having Ten behind Johnny. They quietly rode the elevator and walked the floor they landed.

"Ah, Mr. Seo!"

Ten looked ahead and saw a man walking closer to them. He smiled and shook hands with Johnny. He just stood there and observed the man.

"Stop with the formalities, Bunny," Johnny uttered.

The man smirked, "I hate you--Ohh, hello, who's this lovely boy, John?"

Johnny looked behind and smiled at Ten, "My new bodyguard, Ten."

The man handed his hand to Ten, "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Doyoung."

Ten smiled and shook their hands, "Good to meet you, Sir."

"Oh, stop with the formalities. Call me Doyoung instead."

Ten nodded and thought this guy's fun. Doyoung pulled them into the meeting room. Ten stood behind the wooden doubled doors where he could see Johnny who is seating at the end of the table. He scanned the room and the people inside before he noticed the meeting is already starting as the light dimmed down.

Ten couldn't help but look at Johnny. Even though the light was dim, he couldn't help but adore how Johnny look all serious as he leaned against the chair. He stared at the CEO and averted his eyes to the flat screen TV as Johnny suddenly looked at him.

His heart beats faster against his chest and he felt his cheeks went hot. Soon, he slowly returned his eyes on Johnny as the CEO's eyes were on the presentation again. Ten admired Johnny in all aspects. He's such a perfect person.

Why would someone want this guy dead?

Then again, Johnny caught Ten staring at him. Ten looked back at the TV and acted serious. Johnny couldn't help but smile at his bodyguard. He thought of catching Ten off guard. He placed his elbow on the table and puts his head on his hand as he stared Ten.

Johnny looked at him from head to feet and couldn't deny how small Ten looked. He smiled and wanted to chuckle but he wouldn't want to disturb the presentation. The tuxedo fitted him well and looked all professional. He couldn't even believe this short guy could even plant a bullet in his brother's head.

Soon, Johnny saw Ten slowly returned his eyes and was surprised when he noticed Johnny staring at him. Ten tensed and his face heated up. He averted his eyes and blushed. Johnny thought it was too cute. He smiled and frowned when he felt someone nudging him by the arm.

"Hey, your bodyguard's cute," Doyoung whispered.

Johnny chuckled quietly without leaving his eyes off of Ten, "I know, right?"

"You can't fall, John," Doyoung uttered.

Johnny sighed, "Who said I will? He's just too cute and all."

"Yeah, right, lover boy. Remember when you also said that? Yeah, that's when you ended up sleeping with a girl."

"I learned my lesson. Also, it's not bad to fuck a boy, is it?"

"Of course it's not, but it's about your relationship with that bodyguard. Also, what will you say to your parents, Taeil, Taeyong?"

"I didn't say I'll fuck my bodyguard," Johnny said.

Doyoung rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right."

Johnny chuckled and his stare softened at Ten. He sighed and adored the bodyguard. But this shouldn't be like this anyway.

A/N: How everybody's doing? Hope you're doing fine and all things positive. I just want to take this moment to thank everyone for posting on my feed or message me. I know I'm always saying but it's because I feel really thankful :") You guys keep me writing things about nct ships.

Just wanna tell you about a Yuwin story. It's a-ma-zing, hope you guys will love as much as I do.

Dreaming|YUWIN by nctsatan127


Love lots ♥

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