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Eren pov.
As we walked out of the room, my attitude changed dramatically. I was no longer the nervous, shy omega that my alpha knew. I was now Death. Who had a stern, rude, mouthy, and a 'Don't fuck with me' attitude.
My posture was perfectly straight, i walked with confidence, my eyes scanning the room for possible threats and escape routes. There were many guards positioned down the long hall.
Some eyed me up and down, judging me. I just sent the ones i caught a look that said, 'If you want to keep your body in one peace then look the fuck away and mind your own fucking business'
The guard averted his eyes away like a smart man that wanted to live.
Levi lead me to what is think is the dining room. The African room was bigger than half my shop. Like the bedroom, it had a beautiful chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. The table itself was huge, it looked like it could hold 20 people in it. Levi sat down at the head of the table. I stayed by the door not knowing where he wanted me to go.
"Come here Eren." He demanded me. That is the first time i heard him say my name.
I skipped over to him acting all innocent. If you look at all the things i have done then you could easily say that i was not. Once i got closer he patted his lap.
'He wants me to sit in his lap' my face under my mask flushed red in embarrassment.
After seeing that i had not moved. He reached over and grabbed my hips with both hands and pulled me into his lap.
Once i was seated he buried his nose in my sent gland taking deep breaths. The warm breath tickling my neck causing me to let out soft giggles. I could feel him smirk against my neck.
"Am i ever gonna get my food?" I ask him in a sassy tone.
His response that that was licking up the length of my neck to my mask.

Levi pov.
His mask was getting in the was of his punishment for mouthing off at me.
My tongue grazed the cold metal it was just there, covering his face that i just want to shower with kisses.
Sighing in defeat i call for my two cooks.
"Conny! Sasha!" The two come in running. Skidding to a halt beside my char. They started looking at my omega. I cleared my throat to get there wandering eyes off him. I glare up at them.
"I want a two turkey sandwich and a bowl of fruit." I put my mouth next to Erens ear and whispered, "You aren't allergic to anything right?" He shakes his head no, the ends of his silky chocolate hair tickling me.
"That would be all," I tell then as i waved my hand dismissively.
They both nodded their heads in unison and scurried to the kitchen.
I turn my attention back to my omegas neck. Licking, sucking and even biting at his soft skin. I was working on my little project while he was doing something on his phone. Not happy by the fact that he was almost being completely ignoring me, i bit right below his ear, hard.
He let out a gasp and a small mone. Happy with the results that i got i started abusing that one spot. He lat out small ones that encouraged me to do more. After i was done with him i looked at my masterpiece. A dark red hickey along with a pink bite mark was on that one spot. I smirked and leaned down to kiss it one last time.
"What was that for?" He asked turning around on my lap so that he was facing me. I couldn't see all of his faces because of his fucking mask, but i could imagine that he was pouting under it.
"It was your fault," I tell him
"How was it my fault?"
I nuzzled the side of his neck lovingly.
"Because you ignored me," I tell him.
He let out a huff in frustration and turned back around focusing on his phone again while we waited for the food to come.

After Eren and i eat we decide to play a get to know your game.
We were sitting in the living room. Eren was sitting on my lap again like it was the most comfortable chair in the world.
"Ok, you go first." He said in an eager tone. Looking up at me with those sweet innocent eyes.
"Ok, how old are you?" I ask.
"17 you?"
"Im 25," I tell him. He just nodded his head.
"Ok, my turn!" He swelled.
"What is your job and what is your favorite part about it?" I really didn't have much to hide. He was in an illegal business to so it was fine.
"I run a mafia called The Wing's of Freedom," I tell him. He doesn't react much besides telling me, "Im okay with it as long as you come back to me."
'Well, that went better then what i expected.'
I chuckle and look down at him placing a kiss on his forehead.
"I will."
"You promise?" He asks holding out his pinky as a 6-year-old would. We lock pins
"I promise." He gives me one of those heart melting smiles.
"It's your turn." He tells me. Eager to continue with the game.
"Hey that'snot fair," I tell him, "you still have to tell me your favorite part of your job."
"Ok ok ok, i guess my favorite part is seeing how much i can piss off the mayor." He tells me giggling.
"What did you do to him?"
"Well.." He trailed off trying to control his goggles so he can tell the story. After a few deep breathes he continues, "One night he had guest over, i think it was a businessman Well, the day before that he was telling the press that he was not afraid of me and that i was just a lowlife nobody. As you can guess, it pissed me off. So when he was in the living room i hacked into every electronic thing that was around him. His phone, Tv, house stuff, car, and other things. Then i turned his air conditioning down the lowest i could get it, which was like 45. After it was on for a while and the house started to cool down he went to go check it out. Once he got close to the thermostat i shut off all the lights. I then turned on the TV in the living room where the other guy was waiting. This freaked him out so he called the mayor over. When i got both their attention i had an image of me appear. I then told him 'guess who' with an evil laugh. And then I drove the company guys car through the windows. They both nearly shit them selfs. Well, the mayor did. He peed his pants! And. I. Got. The. Whole. Thing. On. Video."
I have to admit it was a pretty funny story even i could not hold back my own laughs.
"Didi just hear you laugh?!?" A voice yells.
'Fucking four eyes.'

Eren pov.
We were interrupted by someone shouting, "Didi just hear you laugh?!?"
I looked around the room, trying to find who the voice belonged to. My eyes landed on the beta that came with Levi to the shop.
If remember correctly Levi called her name.
'What was it? Hanes? Hange? That was it, Hange.'
"The fuck do you want Shitty Glasses?" Levi asked looking over to the beta.
"Well, i want to get to know our little titan boy too!" She seemed a little over excited. She was slowly walking towards us, a creepy grin on her face that reminded me of my father.
'Now is not the time for thinking about things like that. She is not like him she is a nice, maybe a little crazy, beta. Levi won't let her hurt me. Right?'
Over the time that i was done thinking she was in front of the couch, only inches away from my face.
"Hiya Titan Boy!!" She yelled right in my face.
This triggered me into a full on panic attack.

Levi pov.
"Hiya Titan Boy!" She yelled right in my omegas face.
I did not like her being this close to him. He didn't seem to like it either.
He jumped, burying his face in my chest. He started to shake, like when we were back at his shop.
'She triggered another panic attack.'
He started to mumble a few words.
"Sorry, sir. Won't happen again. Sorry. Sorry. sorry! Please Don't! Not again."
His eyes were closed. His hands clutching handfuls of my shirt.
"Shitty Glasses don't do that! Go grab something that will calm him down!" I whisper/yelled at her.
After seeing the state she put Eren in her face went pale and her preppiness is gone.
"Yes." She said before scrambling out the door.
Once she was gone i started to release calming scent and made soft moaning sounds.
"It's ok bright eyes." I continued to whisper in his ears while waiting for him to calm down.

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