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Levi pov

It was rare that Levi had a moment to himself. Most of him time was occupied with work stuff or him being worried to death about Eren. With being as successful as he is, he had a lot to of enemies that would just love to swoop Eren out of his life. And he guesses that is what terrifies him.
Levi wasn't the type of man that admitted his fears, even to himself. But this one ravaged his mind every time he went as far as 30 feet away from Eren. His thoughts were filled to the brim with images of Eren trying to fight off alphas three times his size. He knew that his mate was very capable of protecting himself, but throwing knives weren't any match for guns, neither were his fist and wits.
When Levi went on his business trips he would always advise Eren to go to the safe place built in their basement that led to a place where he would be able to get out of the house.
But Levi knew that Eren, being the head strong omega he is, wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what his odds were.
And that is what terrified Levi. Him walking to a house that was deadly silent, with no music blaring from the speakers or the sweet melodies of a piano playing distantly. He was afraid he would walk in on a murder scene. The white marble floor stained with blood, the bodies of his men littering the floor like dead flies on window seals (not that he would ever let his window seals get like that). And complete the nightmare, he would walk into his bedroom and find Eren. Beaten to a bloody pulp, and with nothing to cover him, making it appear as if the enemies used him for their own pleasure.
And Levi preyed to whatever God might be looking over him that he would never see that.
So now Levi sat in his study, absent-mindedly tapping the tip of his pen on a paper he was supposed to be signing. He stared at the blank computer in front of him, the screen having faded to black long ago.
Eren had gone out. Nothing unusual, Eren was a very social person, but what unnerved was the fact that he hadn't come back.
Eren had left Saturday night and it was Sunday now.
Levi tried to settle him minds down by telling himself that his mate could just be spending the night at Jean and Marco's. But that wouldn't explain why he wasn't answering his phone.
Levi groaned and buried his hands in his raven locks, slightly tugging to keep himself awake.
He thought back to dinner on Thursday. Ever since Isabel and Farlan came, they had made it sort of a tradition to eat together at the table at least every other night. And it seems like Eren and Isabel were always at odds with each other. But the two seemed to be getting along fair enough to not rip each other's throw it out while passing each other in the hallway.
But know that Levi thought about it, Eren always was distance afterwards, not letting Levi kiss him goodnight.
A knock sounded at the door before clicked as someone opened it.
He saw Isabelle's fiery red hair out of the corner of his eyes.
"Levi, time for dinner." He heard her say.
He set his pen down and sat up straight.
"I will be down in a second." He replied.


The world around him seemed muffled, as if someone shoved cotton balls in his ears. Eren kept his eyes closed, for the sake of surprised if the place he was was a bad one.
"He saved my life! That gives him enough qualifications!" One deep gruff voice said, in what sounded like a Russian accent.
"Boss, you know that I am entirely loyal to you, but I stand firm on my thoughts about this! He is just a teen, reckless and stupid! Plus, he is an Omega, he is not ment to do anything but listen to others!" The other voce shouted.
Eren strained his ears and heard the first man huff in disagreement.
"You weren't there! He went flying at the trafficker with no hesitation! He KILLED the guy with one hit! I see him as more then capable for the role." The first man defended.
"Boss, with all do respect, you have no idea who this kid could be! He saved your life, but maybe it was an inside job."
The first man scoffed in a way that reminded Eren of Levi.
"And let him kill one of the best known human trafficker in the district? I think not." He said firmly.
"Plus, I have the I.T. guys running facial stuff on him. With and without the mask."
A knock rang though what Eren assumed to be a room.
"Ah, that must be them." The first man said.
After a bit of scuffling as people walked inside the man spoke up again.
"What news have you found about the boy?" He asked.
"He goes by the name Death, no one knows what his legal name is. He is a notorious hacker in this city. He has alliances with many gangs throughout the city including The Wings of Freedom. He is a lone wolf and does not have any allegiances to anyone. He is an Omega, and only 17 years old. He is also mated."
"See? There is no chance it could be an inside job. The boy is by himself." The voice said.
"Whatever you say Boss." The other replied.
While it sounded like the people were leaving the room Eren decided to sit up.
"What do you want me for?" He asked.
The two men jumped and faced him.
"Ah, your up."

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