The Outcasts (Completed)

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By Brebeuf and xXdarknessloverXx

The clouds were dark and cast a shadow over Cheyenne. After a while the heavens opened up and lightning struck the ground followed by rain. The asphalt became dark and there was nobody except a lone man walking down the street and as he passed large estates and small homes alike he finally came to the house belonging to a teenage girl. Placing the journal that came deep from his cloak on the ground the angel stretched his hand and a burst of light hit the cover. And without another word the angel disappeared.

That notebook, a total of 250 pages, would be the bulk of the survival of the human race. Its tight leather cover was only disrupted by three words: BOOK OF POWER. The words were in gold and had a silvery shine to them  and even when the clouds parted and the rain stopped the book wasn't wet.

The book of power is a document sent by God to humanity. The world would soon end and the survival of the human race relied on two children. Of course God could have stopped this horror in a blink but he wanted to test humanity; see if they could handle fantastical powers.

A girl, tall, skinny, with attractive hair stumbled out onto her porch. She breathed in the warm, fresh air and absorbed in the nice beams of sunlight. Spotting the journal, still not soaked, on her fresh green lawn, she picked it up. Her fingers suddenly were jolted with electricity and she dropped the notebook, then hesitantly and reluctantly picked it up again. She read the cover and flipped through the first few pages. Full of drawings and writing in perfect, almost typer ink that was only distinguishable by the thin swirls on the Is, Ls, and Qs. She pocketed the book in her jeans and smiled. Might just be an interesting read.

She took the book with her inside her massive house that was semi-unusual in Wyoming. Here, most people had ranches or small cave like houses that one step took you across half the house. She stripped, put on a bikini, and went into her outdoor pool. Sitting on one of the chairs, she read the notebook while mean while tanning her sleek body. In Wyoming it was usually bitterly cold or semi-warm, but the forecast said it would be an even 85 degrees, and nobody wouldn't take advantage of that.

The book was probably fictional, written by someone that boldly claimed to be God's messenger, Gabriel. The narrator said that the end of the world was coming within the year and that nobody would survive unless two people, sharing a compassion for eachother, were to defeat whats to come. And that with one touch, the journal would give you an odd ability that would help defeat the Bane, or demons.

The girl lauged on the inside.

With just one word. Astral.

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