Sick Fic

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Peter's POV
I'm lying in bed, contemplating wether or not I should bother Mr. Stark.
He's busy in the lab and could be doing something important.
But, with my improved immune system, the illness overtaking my body is probably a bad one.
My head hurts, I have a cold sweat, my legs feel weak, I can't see right or think straight and I think I'm gonna throw up.
No, I know I'm going to throw up.
I slide off the bed and try to carry myself to the bathroom.
I finally reach the bathroom after what feels like years and throw up everything I ate today.
As I'm heaving, F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice rings through the building.
"Mr. Stark, Peter seems to be throwing up. He has a high fever, his heart rate is high, he is breathing abnormally, his-"
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, stop." I command. But it's too late. I already hear Mr. Stark on the stairs.
I close my eyes and silently curse. Great, I've distracted him from his work. Even though he says that it's fine and that I'm way more important, I still try my best not to bother him.
Mr. Stark's voice makes me open my eyes. I'm slumped beside the toilet and it probably looks like I'm dying.
"Kiddo, are you okay?" he asks, looking concerned.
"Yeah, just feel kinda-" I can barely finish the sentence before I'm overtaken by a coughing fit.
Mr. Stark hurried beside me and helps me up.
"It's okay, Pete. Come on, you're fine." he insists.
He walks me out of the bathroom and to my room. We're only a few meters from the bed. I can finally rest.
But everything goes black.


Tony's POV
I'm just about to get Peter to his bed when he gives a little sigh and collapses.
I make a noise of surprise and gather his limp body in my arms.
Anything that can make Peter sick is bad.
I carry him bridal-style to his bed and pull the sheets over him.
I put a hand to his forehead and pull it away with a hiss. He's burning up.
I quickly pull out my phone and call Stephen. He answers on the third ring.
"You only ring in emergencies." he notes, not bothering with a greeting.
"It is one. Peter's sick." I tell him.
"How sick?" Stephen asks.
"I think he has a fever." I answer.
I can almost hear him roll his eyes. "Tony, I'm a surgeon. Banner would be better for this."
"He's... he's not even that kind of doctor. Do you even know him?" I question.
"Alright, just keep Peter in bed and give him plenty of water. He'll be better soon."
With that, Stephen hangs up.
I turn back to an unconscious Peter. He looks like shit. I sigh and get water from the kitchen and leave it on his bedside table. Then I sit on his bed and stay there, watching over the boy.

Peter's POV
I'm trapped under a building. The Vulture has escaped and now I'm gonna be crushed to death. I try to cry out but my voice won't work.
Suddenly I hear May call out for me. She's crying.
"Peter!? Where are you Peter?" Her voice is distraught. I want to answer but can't.
"Peter! Peter! Peter!"

My eyes shoot open. I'm back at the Tower. Thank God.
Mr. Stark is beside me. He has a hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright, Kid. It was just a nightmare." he assures me.
I try to nod but my head hurts.
"How are you feeling?" he asks.
"Like sh-" I stop speaking after a look from Mr. Stark. "Not good." I substitute.
"It's okay. I'll take care of you." Mr. Stark offers.
"No, it's fine, Mr. Stark. You need to do work in the lab."
"You're more important. And call me Tony." he says.
With that, he pulls me into a hug.
"It's real this time."

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