Off Duty

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Yeah, this one will be sad. It's not about IW, like all the other heartbreakers.

Tony's POV
"Peter, you could've DIED!" I stutter.
"I told you to handle only mundane crimes, but did you listen!? No!"
Peter sulks on the couch as I shout. He's after giving me the fright of my life by trying to dismantle a bomb he found in a car.
"Mr. Stark, people could've died!" Peter protests.
"No, Peter. They wouldn't. Because you should've cleared the area and called me. If you cut one wrong wire, the whole neighborhood would've gone kaboom." I shout.
"I go to a tech school, I know what I'm doing!" he protests.
"What, so they teach you how to deactivate live bombs after lunch?" I ask sarcastically.
He doesn't answer.
"Alright, you're off duty for a week." I decide.
"Mr. Stark! You can't do that!" he gasps. "What if there's a crime!?"
"There's the police, army, CIA, FBI, security, the rest of the Avengers and that Deadpool guy I see around. I think we're pretty safe." I answer.
I can see tears form in his eyes and I have to force myself to look away so I don't change my mind.
"Fine." he whimpers. With that, he hurried to the window, pulls his mask on and climbs out.
I pace the kitchen, already finished my third coffee of the hour.
Finally, I decide I can't take it and have to see if Peter was staying true to his word.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. access Baby Monitor Protocol in Peter's suit and play it on the Smart TV." I command.
The television blinks on and I sit on the couch to watch what Peter's doing.
The first thing I notice is he's still in his suit. He's sitting on a roof. The second thing I see is he's looking down at a man and a woman breaking into a car.
Don't do it, Peter. I think.
He then pulls out his phone and dials 911 to report the theft to the police. No more than five minutes later, he's watching the criminals being cuffed.
I hear him sigh and hum some tune as he swings his legs off the side of the roof.
I'm about to turn off the TV. Why didn't I just trust him? My hand is inches from the remote when he hops off the building and turns into an alleyway. He reaches under a dumpster.
"Shit." he breathes.
Peter, language! I silently scold.
"Where's my backpack?" he asks himself.
I'll buy him a new one, I guess.
"'ey!" a new voice calls.
Peter turns and I see a big man with a gun pointing at Peter.
"You're tha' Spiderboy, right?" he asks with a thick accent that I can't place.
"Look, I don't want trouble! I can't fight back so..." Peter stutters.
God, Peter, you don't tell them that!
I know that he's not going to fight back. Not after the orders I gave him.
What have I done?
I quickly suit up and fly in search of Peter. It's funny how he's so defenseless just because of what I told him.
It feels like hours when I find the alleyway Peter was in, though it's only been minutes.
"Peter!?" I call.
The alley is empty.
"Peter!?" I try again.
This time I hear footsteps behind me.
I turn around to apologize. Peter's there... but he's unconscious and in the grip of the man I saw in the video.
"Woah, wha' do we 'ave 'ere? Iron Man 'imself. And if I'm not mistaken, you'd be Tony Stark, yeah?"
I nod slowly. "Put the boy down."
"Or wha'?" he challenges.
"Or I'll kill you." I answer more confidently than I feel.
"How's about we makes a deal? You leave and I kill the kid?" he chuckles.
"Sir, let's make a real deal. I'll give you a hundred dollars if you put the boy down and let us leave?"
"A hundred dollars, eh?" he asks.
"A hundred dollars." I repeat.
The man raises a gun to Peter's head.
"Make it five hundred." he demands.
"Okay, five hundred it is! Just put the boy down." I see a crude grin on his face. "Look, I can write you a check right now, or I can give it to you in cash or..."
His grin grows wider and madder.
"I-I can let you walk free with five hundred. All I want is the boy back. Just put the boy d-"
He pulls the trigger.

A/N Don't hate me.

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