Little Spider

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Tony's POV
I sit like a rock in the lab, staring at the desk. I don't know how long I've been staring at the dark wooden structure.
I'm only released from my trance by a slight movement in the corner of my eye.
I look to the left and see a small black spider scurrying across the desk.
Without thinking, I set my hand in front of it and allow it to run along my flesh.
I nearly giggle like and excited schoolboy.
The spider runs up and down the length of my forearm.
I allow the spider back onto the desk.
"You're one of the lucky ones." I tell the arachnid. "Thanos didn't get you."
The creature runs in circles.
"He got loads of innocent people." I vent. "But not you. And not me either. But honestly I think we are the ones suffering the most."
I look once more at the spider and suddenly slam my fist down, crushing the thing.
Tears run from my eyes.
"Nope. He didn't get you. He got Pete though. My Peter."
I fold my arms and plant my head into them, allowing myself to cry for the first time since I lost my son-not-son.
My body racks with sobs as I picture the corpse of the little spider.

Ehehehe the title made you thing this would be all cute. SIKE

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