Funeral Pt2

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IW Spoilers

Peter's POV
The yellow haze around me is too bright, as always. Most days I just sit cross-legged on the ground and hum to myself, away from half the universe. I don't want to see who else was subjected to this living-death.
I sigh and decide to walk around. It feels like I've either been here for five minutes or five years. Time goes strangely here.
The minute I stand, I stumble and feel dizzy.
"Woah, I don't feel so good..." I say to myself.
Suddenly, my knees give way and I'm on the ground, slightly terrified. I raise my hand to my face and see it beginning to disintegrate. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing it to be over.
Not again.

* * * * *

I open my eyes again and I realize that the haze I was surrounded by has disappeared.
I look around and recognize the surroundings. I'm on Neptune.

* * * * *

I shout ecstatically from the back seats of the ship. "Back to Earth! Back to Earth! Back to Earth!"
For once, no one complains.

* * * * *

I approach the tower and I can already feel tears sting my eyes. Mr. Stark's in there. I'm going to see him again.
I find myself at the door and quickly buzz the button in excitement.
F.R.I.D.A.Y's sweet robotic voice replied. "Please leave your name."
I grin. "Da Awesomest Intern." I answer. As if I don't know what Mr. Stark has me saved as on his phone.
I can hear F.R.I.D.A.Y's loud voice informing Mr. Stark of my arrival from outside.
It only takes a few seconds for the door to be thrown open.
Mr. Stark looks down at me, deep eye bags and stress-wrinkles. But his eyes sparkle, with excitement and tears.
"P-P-Peter!?" he cries, throwing his arms around me.
"I feel just fine now, Mr. Stark."

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