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Pragya was walking towards her cabin busily checking some paper, and suddenly someone dashed with her. Luckily she didn't fall but the paper all fell on the floor. She turns around to look that person .he was walking further without even saying a sorry

"Hey, you ....don't you have manners to say a sorry "Pragya shout at him .

He stopped his walking for a moment and turned back to face Pragya. The shock was the only expression she got while seeing the person's face.

"It's not my fault alone, " He shrugged.
Pragya was constantly looking at him. She couldn't believe her eyes. What is happening, when things seem to settle destiny is playing another plan with her.

" who ..are you? ...What is your... name ??.." Pragya stammered.

He chuckled and with attitude " Prem ....Prem Malhotra "

He then turned and continued his walking phase.

" How could its been  possible  when I witnessed his corpus?" She asked herself.

Here is the first promo.

Her Lost LOVE  (Under Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now