8. Whom To Believe

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Pragya was standing on the balcony of the room in the hospital . She looks towards the dark which covers the earth for people well being ' sleep '. She don't know if she should believe this or not . She lost her love six years back and now he..........

Her chain of thought disturbed when she heard a call. She turned back .It was bulbul. She is a doctor and working there.

" What happened ? Where did you lose ?...."

Pragya looked on without uttering a word . She was thinking whether she should tell her or....

" ...you have to be with him right? But you are here , ''Bulbul continued.

" Bulbul " Pragya called her sternly.

Bulbul looks on with an alert expression.

" I want to tell you something important ..."

Pragya describes to her what happened after Prem became conscious .

" what ?" It was the only word left from the bulbul mouth.

Pragya took a deep breath.

" ..what do you think about it ?"

Bulbul questioned her.

" I don't know .. I don't know what I have to do ....I don't know whether he is saying the truth "

Pragya holds her head with her palm.

" Pragya , ..maybe he had .. memory loss .."

" I don't know ..."

" But what are you going to do ?"

Pragya blankly shook her head.

" Pragya ..maybe he had memory loss so he behaved like ..I mean ..he doesn't know about you ..like .."

" Ok . Let consider it be as he had memory loss. But why ..why does a memory loss man have to fake his own death in front of his wife when he doesn't remember his wife ..."

Bulbul widened her mouth .Yes it's a truth. She closed her mouth and said

" may be he have any reason "

" Does that mean he didn't have memory loss?"

" I didn't mean that "

" Then ? Do you think Abhi is lying to me "

" No , I mean there may be some reason . Which he can't share with you "

" Ok let it be. What will be the reason , that? He was far from me for six years .. It's not a play ...Its damn six years. And what would have made him express himself in front of me ..that too today ? "Bulbul looked clueless. For every chances she put forward, pragya have a counter question.

" Now what is your conclusion?"

" May be it's Prem and his plot to marry me "

" But why he had to do like this way , acting as your husband "

" You don't know him. He will go to any extent if he want something"

" That mean you believe as he is Prem "

" No , I' m not sure .who knows maybe he is Abhi and he was having memory loss"

" but you said before...."

"I'm confused . If I believe he is Abhi and he had memory loss then what was that ...that dead body and all that ritual .It makes me think he is Prem . But .....my heart is saying.....he is .. Abhi "

" So you are confused .."

Pragya let out a sigh .

Bulbul got an idea .she became panic " Pragya ..got it "

" relax bulbul ..relax .."

Bulbul took a breath .and said

" Pragya ask him something ..may be a secrets which exist between you two... if he gave the right answer,... then you can conform it ..its your love or .. "Pragya thought for a moment.

" It's a brilliant idea bulbul.  I will be back after conforming"

She was about to go but suddenly stopped .

" What ?" Bulbul questioned .

" He is still sleeping . After he said about  his name and things , a nurse came and give him an injection for sleeping so he might be sleeping"

"So you have time to think .Don't waste it !"

" yeah"


Hi guys . Sorry sorry sorry for the late update .

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With love ❤️


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