4.what happened ?

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Pragya came back to senses when someone tapped her shoulder .It was Alia.

" don't touch me. Leave.. leave from here

"I don't come to be with you. Purab asked me to give this to you so only I came " Alia forward the food plate.

"I don't want anything from your hand "Pragya turns to the other side.

"You have to eat,'' I promised Purab. "Alia held Pragya's hand.

"I don't want you. Go out " Pragya shrugged Alia's hand from her forearm.

Alia became angry. She placed that plate near the table and took a piece of it and forcefully tried to feed her.it results in spilling all the food on the floor.

"I told you I don't want it," Pragya shouted.

" what's your problem Pragya  ?" Fed up with Pragya's behaviour Alia finally asked.

" You ....You are my problem

Alia's face changed to anger but suddenly she kept it as normal as she found someone at the door.

" What I have done "

" Seriously you don't know? .... do you have any memory loss...oh no, I didn't know that " Pragya angrily turns away.

"What happened Pragya? What Alia has done to you

They heard a sound from the door side.it was Purab. 

Suddenly Pragya  changed Her face and smiled " Nothing Purab we are just......"

" Pragya don't lie. Say the truth what she has done so that she became a problem for you "

Pragya shakes her head as no. Purab holds her hand.

" Pragya, no more.. please it's been so long. Share with me at least. So that we will clear it

" clear it......." she smiled sarcastically.

" Tell me I too want to hear what I have done to you? " Alia folded her hand towards her chest.

Pragya turns to look at Alia and her confidence and finally decides to spill the beans.

" If she didn't have created a fake account on Fb. If she didn't have made a fake conversation with that account with my account by finding my FB password. He didn't have fought with me, he didn't have left me. So that I had to prove my innocence and he didn't come to that hotel and that....that ...accident ........."

She cried badly. It became heavy and she began to take long breaths in between her sobs. Purab tried to calm her.

" Pragya  relax ..."

He took that breathing medicine and gave it to her and she became normal but she fell unconscious.

Purab tapped her face and splash some water on her face but did not respond. She has not opened her eyes. He took her to the hospital.

"it's because of stress she became unconscious. Nothing to worry she will be alright " said the doctor giving relief to Purab.

Purab thanked him.

Alia left their house .She knows what will happen next. Purab can't bear his little sister's pain and now he came to know that it's all because of his love .It's sure that he will hate her. So she left the place without informing anyone. She fears his anger. She cursed her fate; she didn't have done that. It's not her fault alone. Someone provoked her against Pragya and told her to separate Abhi and Pragya so that she will get a peaceful life with her love. But she failed to think about his love's love towards his little sister. The one who provoked her guaranteed that they will not find the truth. But Pragya found it. Her one deed made her lose her love. She stepped out from her love's house and life.


Pragya was standing on the balcony of the room in the hospital. She looks towards the dark which covers the earth for people well being ' sleep '. She doesn't know she should believe this or not. She lost her love six years back and now he..........

She cant believe what he said sometime before. How is it possible? When she witnesses her love's corpus. If it is the truth then what about the corpus...


Hi guys ,
So it's Tuesday and I am here with a new update .

Hope you guys like it 😃.

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With love ❤️

Her Lost LOVE  (Under Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now