10.In search of truth of prem

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Abhi is discharged from the hospital . now he is at her flat . when purab raised his doubt about abhi being prem .pragya told him to wait till they ask him about the event that happened before his accident . and he agreed with her . 

now they are present in one room . pragya initiate the talk . she asked 

" abhi , what happened before your accident . i mean after i sent a message to meet you at that place after senting you the enough proof that i didnt cheated you and it was...... alia ."

" after that i took the car and drive towards that place where you mention to come and during my journey .my car got hitted with someone .......no something .......no someone ......i dont remember ...what it was ..."

"dont stress yourself just say what you remember that s it "

" i dont remember what happen then. after that i only remember when igot consious and you were there working in you laptop "

"ok....and abhi i want to say you something .firstly dont get panick ok .lisen carefully ok?"


pragya took a long breath and explained him what happened after his accident .she tell him about those dead body and these six years and how she met him after six years and what his identity when she met him after so long .

he was shocked and he couldnt belive what happened and he was lost in words when she said about how she live without him only tears left from his eyes .he just hugged him tightly . pragya poured all the worries she was keeping with in her heart . now she cant hold more now he came and she is happy . she didnt expect a twist in her life . she didnt thought his love will come back when she lost her all the hope and when she thought she lost her love , her reason to live .now she is more happy . 

they break the hug . only looked into each other eyes to get lost with it . they just want that time to stop for more time .they hugged each other one more time . it left for some times .

pragya broke the hug 

" have a sleep i will be back " she said and help him to lay down . due to medicine he just lay down .she kissed on his forehead and left from that room .

after come from his room she took her phone and dialled purab number .

" hello , purab "

" ha pragya tell "

" purab i want a help from you "

" just tell me and what he said about the past ? "

" he dont remember any thing "

" that not a good news. now leave that what you want me to do ?"

" in our office you have to get prem s details and check about the address . i think we will get something from that related to that six years "

" it exist pragya "

" what do you mean ?"

" when we where best friend i mean before three years once i went to his house . and it was a real family . i think you have to go there with him . may be he remember something "

" yes you are right "

" when you are going there ?" 

" i will inform you "

" pragya one more thing .i prefer you just talk with the doctor about it . i dont want to make his health worse"

" i want to remember you one thing "

" what ?"

" i m his wife "

he just smiled " ok meri friends wife .i will cut the call i want go its urgent "

they cut the call and after that she called the doctor he also give a green signal to proceed further.then she collect his address ,to be clear prem s address .

" where we are going " asked abhi . its been much time that pragya was driving and she didnt give any answer to him . she stop the car .there come purab and further he took the car .pragya sat behind .

" patients abhi " said purab .

they stop infront of a big house . pragya and purab got down from the car .abhi didnt . pragya opened the door to get him down but he dint .

" i want to know where we are ?"

pragya shook her head smilingly and said

" my dear husband we are at an important place . first get down from the car . we will explain you "

abhi got down from the car . 

" now tell me wife , where we are ?"

pragya smiled and looked at purab and he nod.

" abhi , we are at prem s house " 

" what ?" 

" yes abhi . it is important to clear all the confusion "

" you dont belive me ?"

" not like that abhi " 

" then ?" 

hi guys how are you all.firstly sorry for the errors and thanks a lot for your support . bye 

Her Lost LOVE  (Under Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now