5.The Same Face

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Pragya was standing on the balcony of the room in the hospital. She looks towards the dark which covers the earth for people well being ' sleep '. She doesn't know she should believe this or not. She lost her love six years back and now he..........

She cant believe what he said sometime before. How is it possible? When she witnesses her love's corpus. If it is the truth then what about the corpus...

She slowly drifts into that day when she sees him after a long pause.

It was a fine morning. We can hear an alarm sound. A hand reached upon it and turned it off.

She slowly raised her face which was covered with a duvet. She slowly dragged it from her face. Her eyes closed and she smiled, opening her eyes " good morning ".

She stepped from the bed and went to the kitchen to make something

Then she got ready for the office and she came to her favourite room and opened it. It was filled with her and Abhi 's photos. She took one of Abhi 's photo from the drawer and began to talk

" Do you know it's been 6 years that you left this world " a silent tear escaped from her eyes .She wiped it?" Not anymore as I promised you. Do you know today onwards I'm in a new position? Don't understand right? .... I got a promotion. You know it was a surprise for me. That idiot Akshay, my colleague shocked me. Oh no I want to go it's getting late ...bye ..love u "

She carefully placed the photo back in the drawer and went to her office.

"Hey, you are late" she heard a sound. She sheepishly looked at her. It was Riya, her colleague.


" Late.." Riya completed. " Hmm go .. Do you forget about today? We have to select someone as your PA. So get ready for the interview section. And I have kept all details about those who are taking interviews so just go through it. Ok "

" Ok madam "

Riya smiled and said "Stop this madam and go.."

Pragya was busily checking those people files. She checked the time, it's late. So she took the remaining files and went to the interview section. She was fully concentrated on checking files so she didn't notice the person who was coming towards her.

He collides with her. But nothing happened as he held her by the waist and a cute eye lock. Rather she falls but nothing serious. She wants to shout at that person who didn't care to say sorry. She looked in that person directly and

" Hey, you. Don't you have manners to say at least one sorry ?"

He stopped his walk and turned towards her " Why should I? You are the one who was not in sense to notice the person who was coming towards you "

While he was saying. She seemed to be shocked. She couldn't believe her eyes. She felt like her eyes were betraying her again. How can it be possible? How did this man have her dead lover's face !!!

She came out of the thought when he began to continue his next step. She stopped him by " Hey wait. "

He stopped there with an irritating face.

"Now what ?"

" Who...Who are you? ... I mean your name "

" Oh. It's Prem ...Prem Malhotra '' he said with much attitude and left from there leaving a shocked and confused Pragya there.

'Who is he? How come it possible ' It was the only words ringing her head after her first meeting with Prem ....Prem Malhotra.

Her thought was broken when Riya tapped her.

"You are still here? Go, interview is going to start "

"Ya I'm going " she left.

' yes. I think he is here for an interview then I can get much information so I have to be there ' with this thought she entered inside that cabin where the interview was going to held


Hi guys ,

So it's Thursday and I am here with a new update .

Hope you guys like it 😃.

And like all time THANK YOU guys thanks a lot for your supports and for your votes and comment .

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Bye guys 👋👋

With love ❤️

Her Lost LOVE  (Under Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now