Anna Cornell

47 6 4

Three stars out of five for the idea of this story.



Genre: Science fiction


The plot moves very fast and I can understand why — there is a lot of time to capture from 1920 until Anna's escape. However, this causes the author to neglect the characters as the fast timeline doesn't give enough room for the reader to really get to know any of the characters or take a liking to them.

The summary states that Anna escapes in 1995, however in the book, she escapes in 1976. A small mistake which should perhaps be fixed.

I had a hard time wrapping my head around a quite a number of things in this book. Mostly, because I found they weren't very realistic:

*The kidnappers told Anna where they were taking her.
*Anna mentions that the first kidnapping's the hardest, that's what they say. She would only know this if she had kidnapped someone before or was acquaintanced with professional kidnappers. They didn't have TV in 1920, so I doubt she saw it in a movie.
*The kidnappers say that Anna was randomly targeted, yet they know her name and have a file of information on her.
*During the operation when Edna inserts the chip into Anna's brain, Anna recalls waking up so many times that Edna ended up giving her four hits of sedative. First of all, administering that much sedatives can be dangerous. Second of all, Anna says that Edna never makes a mistake, yet there is this mistake in the very beginning of the book.
*I get that Anna's an experiment, but they could've given her proper clothes earlier - why wait 27 years?

“They had large flashlights, which lit up the area in front of them.” This is an example of stating the obvious. Instead, the author could just have written, “They had large flashlights.”

The typography bothered me a little bit. The text is centred throughout the book, which made me strain my eyes to read coherently.

I found quite a few spelling  and grammar mistakes which may lead to confusion. Editing is advised.

I got the impression that the author's head is brimming with ideas for this book and that they want to include every detail. This is a good thing. It means that you'll have enough ideas to develop this book to its full potential and create a masterpiece!

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