Chapter 6- I missed them

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Alex and I pulled apart to see a furious looking Missy. I wanted to laugh so hard at her right now and rub it in but I am the bigger person so I won't. Alex smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I innertwinned our fingers so I was more comfortable before he motioned for Missy to follow. We walked back to my seat to get a bunch of 'aww's from my friends as we sat down. There were only two seats but that didn't bother me at all. Alex opened his arms and I sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you" He wispers in my ear.

"I've missed you to" I say smiling. Out of no where I heard Jack squeal. I looked over to see him staring at Mark and Tom as they get up and basicly crawl over to me.

"Why hello there fancy seeing you here" I say laughing at Tom. Mark licked my face like a dog instead of talking.

"Eww Mark your nasty" I say scrunching up my face.

"Good you now have Hoppus germs" He says smirking.

"Eww" I say turning around and wipping them on Alex's shirt.

"Oh so you give them to me?" Alex asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yep" I say happily before turning around and leaning into him more.

"So why are you two over here?" I ask looking at Tom and Mark.

"Because we wanted to see our favorite girl" Mark says smiling.

"Yeah suurrreee" I say sarcasticly. "Okay guys this is Alex" I say motioning to him, "and this is Jack" I say motioning to Jack.

"Hi" Alex says awkwardly as Jack stays quiet.

"Woah Jack i've never heard you so quiet" I say laughing.

"Wait your from All Time Low right?" Mark asks.

"Yeah" Alex says being the more outgoing one surprisingly.

"I love the Blink tats" Mark says smiling.

"BUZZNET" I yell making them all laugh as Maddy hits me.

"Ow sorry" I say blushing.

"Maddy hitting isn't nice" Tom says in him baby voice.

"I'm sorry Tomkat" She says in her baby voice as I try not to laugh.

"Next is Jasmine Lenorer and her penpal is Pete from Fall Out Boy" Mrs Winterz says as I look up.

"P- DOG" Tom, Mark, Maddy, and I all yell at the same time making it even louder. Maddy and I busted out into a laugh fit. It didn't help that Alex and Jack were tickling us.

"Hey i'm Pete and yeah, I honestly don't know what to say. Oh, Mark, Tom, Sam, and Maddy never call me P-Dog ever again.... it's so weird" he says laughing before leaving with Jasmine.

"Hold on Alex I have to attack P-dog" I say laughing before he lets go of me. I jump up and run to Pete. He has his back turned so I jump on his back.

"Oh hey there" Pete says ajusting me on his back.

"Hey P-dog" I say smiling.

"Why do you call me p-dog?" He asks

"Because it's an awesome name"

"No it's not"

"Maybe not to you but Tom, Mark, Maddy, and I think so" I say before he lets out a sigh but smirks.

"Oh Petey are you taking care of my baby?" I ask as people around us turn their heads in shock.

"Umm yeah kind of"

"Pete I swear if you wrecked it or even scratched it you will die a slow painful death"

"Don't worry it's fine I didn't do anything to it I was just messing with you"

"You better be. Oh can you put me down now so I can go back to Alex and everyone else?"

"Nope I want to meet Alex" He says before walking in the direction of my seat, most likely annoying people because they can't see but oh well.

"Hey" Tom says trying to sound manly.

"Hey" Pete says back in the same tone.

"Can I be put down now?" I ask.

"Sure" Pete says with an devilish grin before looking at Mark.

"What are you planning Wentz?"

"Nothing Delonge, nothing at all" He says before putting me down. Next thing I know I am being lifted back up and I have and upclose view of Mark's ass.

"Really guys?"

"Yep really" Mark says laughing. "You have a nice ass Delonge"

"Why thank you" Tom says.

"I was talking to your sister"

"Eww dude thats sick. You already made both of us want to hurl yesterday do you really have to do it again today?" Tom asks as Pete makes his way to Alex and Jack and starts chatting with them.

"Can I please just be put down?" I ask pleading.

"Nope" someone says from behinde me.

"Hi?" I ask unsure of who said that.

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