Sprint's Daughter

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I shuddered, a cold breeze ruffling my fur. We were home. "Hey, Blake?" I asked. "Yeah?" Blake turned to me, his blue eyes shining. "Let's take a walk." Blake followed me out of the den we'd made, and we headed toward the town we'd lived in during our last life. Suddenly, a gruff voice sounded. "Stop playing with butterflies! You're supposed to hurt them! Kill, kill! How many times do I have to tell you?!" The voice sounded different to my ears, but I knew who it belonged to. "Sprint." I told Blake. "Let's check it out." Blake looked into my eyes before turning to walk in front of me. We reached Sprint's camp, and peered into the clearing. Sprint was glaring at a young she-wolf that was playing with butterflies. "Spirit Wind! Stop that!" Sprint yowled. "But Daaaad!" The she-wolf protested. "I wanna play with the butterflies!"  "No!" Sprint growled, stepping toward his daughter. "No being nice. You have to be mean! Angry!" Spirit Wind had green eyes and black fur. Another wolf popped out of a den, and Sprint turned toward her, revealing his three legs. "T-that's the arm I cut! When we fought." Blake's glance turned steely when he looked at the other she-wolf. "Sprint, don't tell Spirit to be angry. Spirit can be how she wants to be." "Jeez, Wave, fiiiine." Sprint rolled his eyes at the blue-grey she-wolf. Blake's hackles raised. "Don't." I told him. Blake sighed and sat down. Sprint's ears pricked. "We're being watched." He turned toward where Blake and I were hiding, and we ducked. "We have to get out of here!" I whisper-shouted. "Only one of us is going to make it out of here." Blake told me as Sprint came toward us. "It has to be you." He leaped at Sprint, ripping open his muzzle. A thousand thoughts whirled through my head. If we both fight, we can get out. If I don't leave, Blake will think I don't listen to him. If I leave, he'll get hurt and captured. Arg, what do I do?! I have to stay and fight. I raced toward Wave, who was clawing Blake, and dug my teeth into her leg, then yanked her toward me. I heard a loud CRUNCH of bone snapping, and dropped Wave's leg. I ran to Blake, and we fought Sprint together, driving him away. Once Sprint helped Wave away, we turned to Spirit Wind, Sprint's daughter. "Don't turn evil. Always be a good wolf." I told her, before Blake and I ran back to our friends. They'd just woken up. "Come on, guys! Lets go to the town. We have to train- Sprint's going to come for us soon." Once we explained why, they got a move on real fast. I walked beside Blake, and before long, I saw the top of my house. 

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