Chapter 2

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"Hey guys, sorry we're late.  Somebody decided to drop his phone down the toilet so we didn't know there were rehearsals," Lauren said to the other Starkids as her and Joey walked in.

"Pfffft, yeah...don't know who that dumbo could've been," Joey added, shrugging his shoulders.

Darren rolled his eyes and walked over to the pair. "Its alright guys, you didn't really miss much. Brian and Meredith just went to get some coffee for all of us. We were actually just talking about when we thought they were going to get engaged."

"I'm saying within the next month," Jaime shouted from the other end of the room.

"Really?" Joe said looking at Jaime. "I don't reckon Brian will have the guts to do it just yet. I mean, you really think Brian is up for marriage yet?"

Lauren, Joey and Darren walked over to the sofa which Joe, Jaime and Dylan were sat upon.

"I think Joe is right actually, Jaime," Dylan said shuffling along the sofa so that the others could sit down. "Maybe Brian isn't up to it after all."

"Look okay? Just because you all have hearts of stone and don't believe that Brian can be all romantic and unsuspecting doesn't mean its not going to happen you heartless pieces of poop."

"What is it with girls and terrible insults?" Joey sighed.

The door that Lauren and Joey had entered through opened once more with Brian and Meredith walking in. They were carrying eight coffee cups between them and Brian was carrying a box full of doughnuts. The girls jumped up from the sofa in a race to see who could get to the doughnuts the fastest.

"Oh if only girls fawned over me like this all the time," Brian said handing the doughnuts to Jaime. Meredith gave Brian a stern look at the comment he had just made.

"But of course I wouldn't take notice of any of the other girls because I've got my Mer-Bear," Brian said putting his arm around his girlfriend. Meredith smiled and they both walked over to the sofa.

"Its a good job you didn't give the doughnuts to Lauren. She needs to cut down on those too," Joey said as Jaime walked back to the sofa and handed him a doughnut. Lauren threw a cushion at Joey and took a jam doughnut from the box.

"You guys got here quick, where are you staying?" Meredith said handing everybody their coffee.

The Starkids had been planning their visit to New York for months and they had finally scraped up enough money to go. They had been planning to perform the 'A Very Potter' trilogy and they had found a great studio in New York with the right lighting and the right stage. Plus, it would give them a chance to do some shopping (which the girls were particularly looking forward to).

"I'm staying at my cousin, Beth's, flat while she's in Florida for a couple of weeks and Joey's staying with Darren and Joe," Lauren replied before taking another bite of her doughnut. Joey looked at Lauren and shook his head in disgust at the fact she had eaten the doughnut so quickly. Jaime, who had finished giving out the doughnuts, punched Joey's shoulder.

"Thank you, Jaime," Lauren said washing her doughnut down with a sip of coffee. "So where's everybody else? " she said referring to all the other Starkids.

"Oh they all went to Michigan to get all the extra equipment. They found some quite good stuff actually. There's a sale so they're trying to get there before it starts so they can try and nab all the best deals." Meredith answered placing herself on Brian's lap as he sat down on an extra chair. 

"How many doughnuts did you get, Mer?" Lauren asked.

"Don't do it, Meredith! Don't give in and let her have another doughnut!" Joey shouted with a mouthful of doughnut. He dodged as another cushion flew past him.

"You wanna know what I think?" Jaime said.

"No," Dylan said. Jaime rolled her eyes and continued talking. "I think the reason Joey is such a dick to Lauren is because he likes her."

"Ew, no!" Lauren and Joey said in unison.

Jaime took a sip of coffee and then started talking again. "I mean, you guys are with eachother all the time!"

"What?! No we're not!" Joey and Lauren said. They looked at each other and then Lauren turned to Jaime. "Jaime I don't know what you're on but noooo! Me and Joey could never, EVER, be a thing. Ever."

"Yeah Jaime," Joey said. "Lauren is my friend. Nothing could ever happen between us! I don't even like her!"

"Hey!" Lauren shouted.

"Like that!" Joey corrected. "Like her like that..."

"Denial!" Jaime said in a singsong voice.

"No, Jaime. You're the only one that thinks this could ever happen," Lauren said turning to the others. "Right, guys?"

There was silence for a while until Meredith spoke. "Well I guess you two would be pretty cute together..."

"Yeah," Brian said. "You two literally go everywhere together. "

"Tee hee, RichPez..." Dylan said.

"What?" Joey said.

Dylan hesitated, not realising Joey had heard him. "Well there's a thing on seems loads of people ship you two together..."

"To be honest," Joe started. "I thought you two were already together."

Lauren turned to Joey.  "Did you know about this 'RichPez' thing?"

"Well I knew that it existed but I didn't know so many people shipped it," Joey said before gulping down his coffee. It seemed he drank a lot when he was nervous.

"Right," Lauren replied. The room was silent for a while apart from the occasional sound of Dylan drumming his fingers on the small glass coffee table infront of the sofa.

"Well this is awkward."

"Yes Darren, well done," an irritable Lauren said. Joey had had enough. "Lauren can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

Lauren started to walk outside with Joey following. They stood on the steps outside of the building they had just been in. "What did you want, Joey?" Lauren sighed. Joey grabbed Lauren, pulled her in and kissed her. A distraught Lauren pushed Joey away and stood shocked. "What the hell was that?!" she shrieked. Joey started to walk back inside. "Nothing was in that kiss. Now we can definitely say that we don't have any feelings for eachother."

Lauren watched Joey walk back inside as she stood still, confused about what her emotions were telling her.


So I hope you enjoyed this second chapter of my RichPez/JoeyPez fanfic thing. Its recieved some good feedback so hopefully that means that people are enjoying reading it! ;)

Don't forget to check out our other stories and vote and comment telling us what you thought.


P.s. @luvlijubli (co owner of this account) has just got 500 reads on her Sherlock fanfic, 'Return of the Reichenbach Hero', which is absolutely brilliant! So if you wanna check that out and vote, comment etc, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. :)

Okay, I'll go now...

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