Chapter 5

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"Alright, alright, I'm coming," Lauren said rubbing her eyes and opening the front door. Meredith stood at the door carrying a box of doughnuts beside Jaime, who was eating one.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lauren said closing the door after they had both walked inside.

"We thought we'd bring you breakfast," Meredith said offering Lauren the box of doughnuts. Lauren smiled, "You guys know me so well!"

As Meredith walked into the living room she gasped and pointed to the sleeping figure on the sofa. "What is he doing here?!" she shrieked. Jaime stood beside Meredith and squealed. "Lauren, what is Joey doing sleeping in your living room?!"

"I KNEW IT! RICHPEZ IS REAL!" Meredith said in triumph.

"No, no, no! Guys shut up or you'll wake him. Me and Joey are just friends!" Lauren said.

"Pfffft, I beg to differ," Meredith replied.

"Nooo! you guys have got it all wrong!" Lauren laughed. "Put the doughnuts in the kitchen and I'll tell you what happened."


"So, what happened?" Jaime said sat at the rectangular kitchen table beside Meredith and opposite Lauren. Lauren had made them all a cup of coffee and gave them each a doughnut, taking one herself. "Right," she started. "So basically, me and Joey were cuddled up on the sofa, as friends, watching a film. We both fell asleep and by the time I woke up, it was three a.m! I didn't want to wake him so I put a blanket over him and went upstairs to bed. And then six hours later I was woken up by you

two pounding on the door."

By the time Lauren had finished her story, Jaime had finished her doughnut and was reaching into the box for another. Meredith rolled her eyes. "So, did you talk any more about the kiss?"

Lauren looked confused before Jaime added, "I told Meredith everything, I thought she should know..."

"Thats fine, I would have told Mere anyway," Lauren said. "And yeah, we did talk."

"What did he say?" Meredith asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well he asked if we could forget about it, and I said yes."

"And...?" Jaime questioned.

"And...that was it..."

"What!?" Jaime exclaimed. "You didn't tell him how you felt about him?!"

"Of course I didn't," Lauren said wiping the doughnut crumbs from her mouth. "How could I? I'm not even sure how I feel about him."

"But I thought you liked him?" Jaime said, upset.

"I do...I just can't tell him...if he wants to be friends...then that's fine...I don't want to ruin what we already have..."

"Lauren," Meredith said placing her hand on Laurens' in a way someone would if they were giving advice. "You passed the 'friends' mark the moment he kissed you the other day. Whatever you guys say, you can't completely forget about matter how much you try."

"Mere's right, Lauren," Jaime said having finished her other doughnut. "You need to tell Joey."

"Tell Joey what?" Joey said walking into the kitchen yawning.

"Umm...tell Joey that..." Jaime said panicking.

"That we bought doughnuts!" Meredith finished quickly.

"Oh, great," he said reaching over Lauren to grab a doughnut. Meredith watched Lauren's eyes gaze at Joey face as he did this, in a way that wasn't how friends looked at friends. After Joey had taken a bite into the doughnut Lauren looked at Meredith and Meredith winked. Joey put the kettle on for a coffee and turned around to face the girls again. "So now that Lauren's looking a bit perkier than yesterday, are there any rehearsals today?"

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