Chapter 11

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The crowd of people applauded as Lauren's lips pressed against Joeys'. She'd never felt so happy. She stopped kissing Joey and looked up at him as he spoke. "Lauren, I have something to tell you that I've been wanting to tell you for ages and..."

Lauren looked up at him expectantly. Joey looked down at Lauren. "Man, you're short."

Lauren punched him playfully on the arm and Joey pulled her into a cuddle. After they had finished hugging, the crowd had dispersed and the people of New York had resumed what they had previously been doing. "Joey, I love you."

"I love you too. So much." Joey replied sighing in relief. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to tell you that."

"Why didn't you?"

"...I was scared."

Lauren smiled. "Well the world didn't explode so I think that's a good sign," she said before standing on her tiptoes and giving Joey a kiss on the cheek. "You still leaving?" she asked.

"No. I've got everything I want right here."


"And then they kissed and it was so frickin adorable and ermagersh!!!"

Jaime had dragged Joe into the studio kitchen and had started to explain what she had been watching minutes before.

"Jaime calm down for crying out loud you sound like a chipmunk that's had a caffeine overdose!"

"Shuddup Joe," Jaime said crossing her arms and pouting. "I think you'll find that I was simply telling you about Joey and Lauren kissing in the middle of New York."

"What!?" Meredith shrieked bounding into the room, dragging Brian along with her.

"I know right!" Jaime squealed. "It was perfect and they were serenading eachother and everything and-" Jaime was hushed by an index finger being pressed against her lips, signalling her to shut up.

"What did you just say?" asked Joe, the owner of the index finger. "Joey and Lauren...? But Lauren's with Darren and...."

Suddenly Joe looked distraught as everything clicked into place. "LAUREN'S BEEN CHEATING ON DARREN?!" he shouted making Dylan come out of the studio storeroom to listen to what was going on. "Who? What? When? Where? Why?" Dylan asked in despair, saddened he hadn't been included in the conversation. "Did I just hear that right?" Dylan asked. "LAUREN'S CHEATING ON DARREN?"


The group of Starkids all turned in shock to the figure in the doorway. It was Darren.

"What did you say?" Darren repeated.

"Darren, listen to me," Meredith started.

"No, Mere!" Darren shouted. "Did Dylan just say what I thought he said?"

The room stayed silent.


 "Darren, you need to listen to us,"

"No Jaime! You need to listen to ME!"

Jaime stayed silent, hurt that Darren had spoken to her so violently.

"Bro, you need to calm down..." Joe said sternly. "And don't ever speak to Jaime like that again," he said moving so that he was infront of Jaime, almost as if he was trying to shield her from Darren. Darren moved his hands through his curly hair. "Look," he said, a lot calmer. "Can you guys just tell me where Lauren is?...I need to talk to her..."

"As long as you promise you won't do anything Lauren or Joey," Brian said. Darren looked shocked. "You think I'd ever think of hurting them? Joey's one of my best friends and Lauren's my friend. I just need to speak to them."

"Last time I saw them, they were in the square...I don't know if they're still there..." Jaime said. Darren nodded and ran out of the building. As soon as he had left, Jaime burst into tears. Joe grabbed her and hugged her as the others looked at her, concerned. "Its all my fault," she wept. "If I hadn't had been such a douche and blurted out the situation, we wouldn't be in this Darren has had to find out the truth before Lauren was ready to tell him and Lauren and Joey's relationship is probably over. And its all my fault..."

"No its not," Joe said with Jaime still in his arms. "You haven't done anything wrong...everything will turn out totally awesome in the end." Jaime managed a small chuckle and snuggled into Joe's grey t- shirt while the others gathered round Jaime and joined in with the hug.


Darren paced along the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of the couple. He was heartbroken and through it all, he blamed himself. He believed it was his fault. If he hadn't have spoken to Lauren as horribly as he did she wouldn't have done this and they'd be happy. He'd ruined everything and this was the price he had to pay...seeing his best friend and the girl he loved a relationship...

Darren stopped. Joey had felt like this...whilst himself and Lauren were together Joey looked upon them wishing he could be with her. Darren couldn't believe he hadn't realised this sooner. He no longer felt anger...he felt sadness and not for himself, but for Joey; his best friend that couldn't be with the girl he loved. He turned to his left and saw Lauren and Joey hugging. He slowly wandered up to them and as they saw him they both looked at eachother and then at him, with their eyes full of guilt.

"I know," Darren said. "And I hope you'll be happy together..." Darren then looked at Joey. "Take care of her," he said, before wandering back to his apartment.



Hey guys!

Yes, I know I haven't updated in...a while... and I'm really sorry its just in the the middle of deciding where this story was going, I was pondering different directions I could take this fanfic in and I'm pleased to say, I've finally decided, so I'm hoping *fingers crossed*, updates should be more often now. (Wow that was a long sentence...)

 Another thing I'd like to say is, OH MY GOD WE'VE NEARLY REACHED 700 READS!!!! 

I am soooooooo freakin happy that you guys have decided that you'd like to read this story and I'm really hoping you're enjoying it :3

@luvlijubli has almost reached 800 reads on her starkid fanfic and 300 on her sequel which is also AMAZING so if you haven't already, go check her stories out (because they're totally awesome ;D) 

Bye guys ;)


-Ruby x

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