Chapter 9

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"Haaaaaarryy! Why can't you seeeee, what you're doing to me?"

"Well done Jaime that was brilliant!" Nick said clapping. A perfect song to end rehearsals on. That's a wrap, guys."

"So are you guys going back to Michigan now?" Jaime said jumping off the stage.

"Yeah," Nick said. "We found some more equipment that I think would make our shows even better so we're leaving for Michigan in..." Nick looked at his watch. "About an hour."

"Well thanks for coming, guys," Lauren said. "It was so great to see you on my birthday!"

At first, Lauren was scared about coming to rehearsals. She felt it was going to be way to awkward around Joey and Darren. Fortunately, Darren, Joey and Joe were late to rehearsals as there had been a minor car crash causing some traffic, meaning Lauren hadn't seen them yet.

Lauren, Meredith, Jaime, Dylan and Brian all said goodbye to the other Starkids and waved them off as they began their journey back to Michigan. When they walked back inside the studio, Lauren slumped down in a plastic purple chair and sighed.

"Careful, you're squishing Bartholomew,"Jaime said walking over and sitting in a green chair next to Lauren.

"Bartholomew?" Lauren asked.

"Your chair friend..."

Lauren cringed as she remembered her conversation with the chair the previous day. "Sorry Bartholomew," she said patting the chair.

"So," Jaime said. "What's up? You know, aside from the ceiling and the sky and stuff."

"Nothing," Lauren sighed.

"Is it because of Joey?" Jaime asked. Lauren was shocked. How did Jaime know about her and Joey? Had she seen?

"Its just I was on twitter earlier and I found a picture of him kissing another girl...I'm sorry Lauren..." Jaime said.

Lauren didn't know what to do. The girl Jaime was talking about...was her...but no one knew it.

"Hey guys!"

Lauren snapped her head around as she heard a familiar voice. A voice that made the butterflies flutter.

Joey's voice.

No Lauren! You shouldn't be thinking this! SNAP OUT OF IT!

Joe was accompanying Joey as they both walked inside.


Lauren looked up to see Joey looking at her, concerned. "Are you alright?"

Lauren coughed. "Uh, yeah...I'm fine...but uh...can I talk to you for a minute?"

Lauren dragged Joey into a corner of the room behind stacked up chairs, out of view of the others.

"Where's Darren?" Lauren said.

"Grabbing some coffee for us all, why?"

"I was just making sure he couldn't hear us..."

Joey was silent now realising she was about to talk about the previous night.

"I'm such an idiot," Lauren said burying her head in her hands. "I'm such a bitch. I've cheated on Darren...Joey...? What am I supposed to do?" Lauren had tears falling down her cheeks at this point.

"Oh Lo..." Joey said pulling Lauren towards him and hugging her. "You shouldn't blame yourself; it was my fault; I took advantage of you, you were drunk you didn't know what you were doing..."

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