Chapter 8

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Lauren squinted as the light streamed into her room from a gap in the mauve coloured curtains. She began to sat up. Why was her head pounding? She looked at her phone on the floor hanging out of her bag. She rolled off her bed and across the floor like she did when she was Draco to check the time. When she reached her phone she looked at the time; 9:40 a.m. Hang on, why did she have five miscalls? There were two miscalls from Darren and three from Joey. She didn't remember anything from last night. What the heck happened?


Joey lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Was it bad he was thinking of Lauren?  He sighed. After him and Lauren had kissed, Lauren had passed out with all the alcohol she had consumed. Joey drove her home, as he was sober, and left her asleep in her bed.

"Ron?" Joe said knocking on Joey's bedroom door. "You up?"

"Yes Voldie," Joey replied sitting up and watching Joe Walker enter the room. "I could've been naked," Joey said pouting.

"Whatever, " Joe replied. "Anyway, about last night..."

Joey froze. Did Joe see him and Lauren kiss? "What about last night?" Joey stammered nervously.

"Where did you go? You left the party really early and then when I got back here Darren said you hadn't come back yet. And then this morning you both won't talk to me about what happened and I'm getting confused why you're in such crappy moods." Joe looked at Joey expectantly. "Well are you going to tell me what really happened...?" Joe pestered. Joey sighed. He couldn't tell Joe what happened with him and Lauren, Joe would tell Darren and the last thing Joey wanted to do was hurt Darren's feelings. Joey sighed once more. He'd already done that when he kissed Lauren.

"Well?" Joe asked getting impatient.

"I...uh...Lauren! She was...uh...drunk! Yeah, and she puked so I took her home and made sure she was okay."

"Right..." Joe said. "So if you're telling me the truth then why is Darren upset?"

"Well, I don't know what's wrong with him," Joey replied honestly. "Now can you get out, I need to get dressed?"


After getting dressed and putting some bread in the toaster, Lauren was sat at the kitchen table with a glass of water, listening to her voicemails. She began listening to the two from Darren first.

"Hey Lo...Lauren...sorry...I didn't mean to upset you earlier. I'm being a poopy boyfriend at the moment and I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me..."

"Hey it's me again...I'm worried about you Lauren, you haven't had any contact with me since yesterday and I'm just making sure you're uh, text or ring me as soon as you get this...please?"

Lauren smiled sadly remembering her argument with Darren. She'd been out of order getting angry with him and she was sorry. She knew he was only trying to help. She quickly sent him a text saying she was fine and she was sorry and then resumed to her voicemails. Joey had rang her three times but there was only one voicemail for her to listen to.

"Hey Lo, just making sure you're okay this morning, and I want to say I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have-"

Lauren was confused until she realised that the voicemail had cut out halfway through. Now she didn't know what Joey was sorry about. Oh well, if it was that important she would've remembered it. She'd talk to him later. She decided this was the right time to open twitter and see what all the other starkids had said about the party and find any embarrassing selfies she didn't remember taking from the night before. Firstly, she looked at Meredith's most recent tweet.

Had such a great time with everyone at @LaurenLopez1 's birthday last night! Leftover birthday cake anyone?

Lauren smiled and went onto Joey's most recent tweet.

Happy birthday to one of my very best friends, Draco Malfoy ;) One of these days I'll send a rocket ship to your house to send you to Pigfarts...but alas, that day is not today...

Lauren scrolled through the replies under Joey's tweet and came across something strange.


@JoeyRichter Somebody's got another woman in his life! Just disappointed it wasn't me!! #jealous

A confused Lauren looked at the picture underneath the tweet. It was a picture taken out of an apartment window, of Joey kissing a girl with brown hair. You couldn't see what clothes she was wearing or actually distinguish her but Lauren knew who it was straight away.



Hey guys, I know that I haven't updated in a while and I know this chapter is really short and I'm sorry but I promise I'll make the next chapter longer ;)

I also want to say a HUGE thank you to all of the people reading this because we've reached 300 reads on this story which I'm SUPER happy about ;D

I also have another quick thing to tell you which is I've started a new teen fiction story on my account (@_RubyRoo) called Night Owl so if you want to check that out it would be highly appreciated ^-^

Remember, if you liked this story don't forget to vote and comment telling me what you thought :)

Ruby x



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