Chapter 2

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The drive to Emmery hills from our apartment in Westville was about 35 minutes. After a few mintues we turn up the radio and start singing along at the top of our lungs like the weirdos we were.

Pulling up to the beautiful beach house that Tyler had given her directions to Cassie let out a low whistle and muttered "Damn."

It was like something out of a movie. Not to mention that the cars that lined the street leading up to the house made Cassie's little Toyota stick out like a sore thumb. I couldn't help but feel like it was glaringly obvious that we didn't belong.

Once we find a space to park we make our way inside.

The house is overflowing with people and alcohol. Music is blaring from somewhere inside, people are dancing and socializing, some are sneaking off upstairs for more privacy, while others didn't seem to give a damn about who saw what they were up to.

"This place is insane!" I shout to Cassie over the music but she's too busy searching the crowd for her guy.

"I don't see him in here let's go check outside and get a drink while we're at it!" she shouts grabbing my arm and before I can say a word she's dragging me through the throngs of people leading us into the kitchen.

"Well hello there," says a voice to my left.

I turn to see a guy with long shaggy blonde hair eye fucking Cassie. He's cute in a surfer dude kind of way but he totally isn't her type.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, typical. We haven't even been here 10 minutes and some guy is already trying to get into Cassie's pants.

I'm so lost in my own musings I only tune back into the conversation when Cassie shakes my arm asking if I want a drink, which I decline. I'm not much of a drinker but I definitely wasn't about to accept drinks from people I didn't know.

"So Brett," Cassie say "I'm looking for the guy that invited us tonight, his name is Tyler he's about 6'1", blue eyes, brown hair, super sexy dimples when he smiles."

"Tyler? You mean Tyler Bishop, Nate's cousin?" Brett, surfer dude, asks.

"Uh yeah I think that's him. Do you know where I can find him?"

"Fuck, those guys always get the hottest ones," he mumbles.

"Yeah he's out on the deck, come on I'll show you." he says before leading us out of the kitchen.

There are quite a few people out here on the deck and even more down on the beach.

"He's over there," Brett points out before turning on his heel and heading back inside.

"Oh my God! There he is, come on," Cassie squeals.

Before we reach him Tyler looks up and spots us. A wide smile spreads across him face as he stands and makes his way toward us.

"You made it!" he exclaims. He leans down to kiss Cassie's cheek and she let's out a tiny squeak.

He moves back with a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he murmurs before turning to face me.

Clearing his throat he holds out his hand to me "Tyler Bishop."

"Jenna Matthews, I'm Cassidy's best friend." I reply shaking his hand with a small smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he says with a smile of his own.

Cassie finally snaps out of her Tyler induced haze and says "Thanks for inviting us. This place is amazing, and the view is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Tyler quips with a charming smile that flashes his dimples and causes Cassie to blush. "Come on I'll introduce you ladies to some friends of mine."

Tyler seems like a really nice guy, his friends though receive us with mixed reactions.

The guys welcome us with wide smiles while the girls look down their noses at us like we aren't worthy of their presence.

After a while Tyler suggests taking a walk on the beach so I make up an excuse of needing the bathroom so that I can give them some time alone. Nobody likes a third wheel.

I make my way back inside the house and dodge drunks on my way up the stairs. Tyler suggested I use one of the upstairs ensuite bathrooms cause they were likely to be cleaner. I decide to avoid the first few rooms so that I don't walk in on any unsavory acts.

I go to the last door on the left knock and then open the door after not hearing a response. I step into the room and freeze in shock.

"What the fuck?!" the guy yells.

"Who the hell is she?!"shrieks the girl underneath him.

I knew I needed to get out of there but I was rooted to the floor. My mind was screaming at me to run but I was lost in the mesmerizing hazel eyes of the half naked man before me.

His dark hair is tousled and his lips kiss swollen. His impeccable abs were on display and if the cover were to shift down just a smidge I'm sure I would have found that delicious "V" that lead down toward...

"You BITCH! Get fuck out of here!"

The girl's shrill voice breaks me out of me reverie just before she sends a pillow sailing through the air towards me. It lands at my feet and I finally find the sense to get my ass out of there.

I'm not even sure I get the words out to apologize before I turn and run, slamming the door shut behind me. Without looking back I once again make my way through the house and to the deck.

Outside I find the stairs off the side of the deck that lead to the beach and go in search of Cassie and Tyler.


Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying my story so far. Please comment and let me know what you think!


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