Chapter 33

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I wake up feeling groggy with a numb sensation in my arm. I try to move it but am met with resistance. Turning  my head I see my wrist handcuffed to the headboard just as I hear a voice that sends a jolt of surprise through me.

"Good, you're awake. Did you have a nice nap?" Travis asks with a smile, a smile that before I would have thought was sweet but now it looks slightly creepy.

"Wh-what did you do to me?" I ask. I remember being scared and wanting to leave and then I blacked out. How much time had passed? What did Travis want with me? What was he going to do?

"I'm sorry my love, I hope you don't still feel funny. I simply gave you a sedative so you would calm down."

"Why am I handcuffed? What do you want?" I ask in frustration.

A dark look comes across his face. "You were talking about leaving and I couldn't have that. You're meant to be here Jenna. You're meant to be with me."

"I don't understand! Travis I thought you were my friend. None if this makes any sense, I just want to go home!" I shout and feel tears running down my face.

"I'll be your new home." He says sitting on the bed, wiping away my tears. I move away from him, pressing my back against the headboard. He take a hold of my hand firmly. "That first night I saw you long before you saw me. I watched you with your friend. You didn't want to be there, you weren't like the people there. No, you were like me, I could tell.

I loved getting to know you and hearing your sweet laugh but when you smiled at me, I was I goner. I knew you were the one that I had waited all this time for. My dad was right, it was totally worth the wait." He breaks of with a laugh, shaking his head. He looks at me with a fond smile, as if remembering his dad.

"My parents were so in love with each other. They had met at a mutual friend's house and spent all night talking to each other. They both agreed that it was love at first sight. They were each other's other half. Dad always told me that one day I would meet my One and no matter how long it took she would be worth the wait.

When I met you, I just knew you were it. You were my One. All this time I've hated going to parties with Cole. All the girls were spoiled little brats and they never struck my fancy. But you, I just knew. You were this perfect angel that my parents sent to me."

He gets up and starts pacing in front of the bed. Meanwhile I try to follow what he's saying.

"Everything would have been perfect too. I had it all planned out in my head. I would ask you out on a date and get your number, you would accept and let me sweep you off your feet. Except your stupid friend wanted to go dance. Then I saw the way Parker was looking at you. I would have thought for sure you would be able to see right through him but you didn't.

I was so mad, at you, at him but also at myself. I left that night but by the next day I had had a chance to calm down and think. I was going to find you, watch you for a while and plan a meeting between us so I could ask you out. But I was an idiot, I had wasted too much time.

Then Nate had you in clutches, you were right in the lions den. It made me so angry to watch you falling for his bullshit. I knew he was just using you and I knew he was just going to end up hurting you.

So I waited for him to screw up, just like I knew he would. It was inevitable. Last night he proved me right and I was there to save you. Don't forget how he hurt you last night Jenna. He doesn't care about you but I do. I love you and I'll always be here for you. I would never hurt you like he did."

"But you are hurting me, right now." I cry pointing at my wrist, chaffing against the handcuff.

"I told you, that's so you can't leave me. He doesn't want you but I do. You'll just have to stay like that till you accept that you are mine and you are meant to be with me."

Oh God, he's insane! What am I going to do?

Coming back to me, he places a knee on the bed and caresses my face. I turn my head away but he takes that as an invite to touch my neck. "I know you let him touch you but you didn't let him go all the way did you? He asks dropping a hand to my upper thigh.

"Stop it!" I shout trying to push him away. I managed slap him across the face and it stuns us both momentarily. Rage flashes in his eyes and I prepare myself for his retaliation. I squeeze my eyes shut tight but then I feel him move away. I open my eyes in time to see him pulling a second pair of handcuffs out of a dresser drawer.

Turning to face me, handcuffs in hand, he smiles that creepy smile. "Let's try this again, shall we."


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