Why is it that I can't stop?
Can't stop falling for the wrong person over and over again
You'd think I would've learnt my lesson the first time around?
That fuckboy back in bd?
Well it was the same when I was the newbie
Now its her
She who has broken me uncountable times
She who I planned my whole future with
Our flat
Our cats
Our pastel walls and our smart fridge
It's funny how time is your best friend and your worst enemy all at the same time
We thought we'd be friends forever
After sixth form live together
Away from our families we both hated
Now she likes her family
She says she wants to stay
She has given up on our planned flat
Of our pastel walls
And named after each other cats
She has left me flatWhy do I still care?
She has shown many times she doesn't
She keeps stuff from me
Lies to my face
Then tells me "oh raima you're so cute I wanna squish your face!"
What do you want?
Do you want to be friends or do you not?
Can you not see I'm breaking and you're leaving me there to rot?
How long?
How long till I snap and break?
How long till my heart refuses to ache?
She tells me it's hard for her
Hard for her?
To what? Say no to my face? Be my friend?
Well I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment
I didn't plan all this for myself
You're the reason my life turned upside down and all you can say is its hard for you?Here is a poem i wrote about someone some time ago. I guess it doesn't really matter to me anymore so I'm posting it. I'm still hurting but I've stopped giving a shit.
Hope you enjoyed! Vote, comment, share and all the fun stuff.
Raima <3
Poetrya plethora of miscellaneous ideas that popped into my head and refused to stay inside. from random proses to poetry to book reviews: this book has it all for your reading pleasure :)