Q & A

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This is my Q&A! If you're not going to read it {I advise you to read it though) A NEW CHAPTER WILL BE UP IN THE EVENING TIME WELL MY GOAL IS TO HAVE IT OUT BY 5!

1) "Who inspired you to write?"

I think my mom is my biggest inspiration. She's actually a writer too. She's a published children's book author. So I do feel like she's had the biggest influence on me.

2) "Have you ever been through anything that would make you know what Melody's feeling? To know exactly how it feels to be empty, broken, and filled with coldness?"

As everyone I've had my share of bad times, but it's never been as horrific as Melody's. I didn't think at first that I related to her on such an emotional level but when I started writing a realized that it was all my(it) feelings I was expressing. So to answer your question, no My circumstances have never been to Melody's point, but yes I've had my days.

3) "What's your life motto?"


4) "Life goal?"

To have someone tell me "Because of you I didn't give up." Or just to know that I've helped anyone in someway. I want to make a positive impact rather it be small or big; just something.

5) "Advice for your depressed readers?"

Life is pain, and it does hurt sometimes. But that's not all it is, if you ever think that's all life has to offer, then that's all life will offer. Your mistakes, past, and your demons don't own you. Shift your focus, find something you love to do that keeps your mind busy. Embrace the pain you carry. Let it be a motivation or driving force to help you do better. Magnify the triumphs until that's all you can see. Practice gratitude, you have today, you have a meal, you are alive.

Show personal love! Don't compare yourself to others, don't try to fit into society's view of beauty or perfection. It's an illusion, we're all brainwashed into thinking there's a specific size, and look you have to have to considered "beautiful". There's no set definition of perfection. You're all beautiful.

Take in the lessons life is giving you now, this is growth. You being here today, is growth. You prosper everyday, don't give up now. Believe in yourself, believe you can get through this. Like Harry said you believe in yourself and you wanting help is the first step in all of this.

Self recovery is hard, but in the end it's more than worth it!

Those were my 5 questions I picked! I'll do another one in a couple weeks! So comment any questions, or message or whatever. I love you guys & thanks for reading!

Like I said, there will be a chapter out tonight.xx

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