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"Erggghhhh... you guys are the worst people I ever have known. What should I do now? The only thing that makes me happy is the love Forth have for me is not fake other than that everything is a problem. How am I going to deal with him?" Says Beam.

"Sorry Beam but there is one more thing you need deal with," says May.

"Yes... please continue my dear ex-girlfriend," says Beam annoyingly.

May smile and say "it's about White. She is a cousin to Forth just like me and Joss's elder sister but since young White love Forth but Forth doesn't show any interest in her. The moment she knows about the pendant, she wanted to get them from him but Forth didn't give them to her. My guess is correct, the moment Forth didn't answer Joss's question about you yesterday, I know White will come but didn't expect she will transfer to this campus in a day. She is quite dangerous when things related to Forth".

"Can I ask something? Do your family have any sickness when come to love kind things. Why everyone acts weirdly?" ask Beam with his own sassy attitude.

All of them can feel the difference of Beam just now and now. He back to his real character.

"Beam, you need to make Forth understand the real reason why his mother moves from the house. If he understands that then the feeling of revenge will destroy and everything will be smooth. We try to explain but he never listens to us. Our only hope is you Beam," says Mrs.Sansuan.

Beam just nodded to her.

'I need time to think. I'm not sure how am I going to do this but I will definitely do something for my love. May, Ming, and Yo, just act normally with the others don't let anyone knows that I know the truth" says, Beam, to which three of them nodded happily.

"Ming, please tell the truth to Kit. You know he can't be without talking to you. Today he didn't even concentrate in studies same goes for you Yo. Pha will be crazy when he becomes possessive. So both of you just tell everything to them. The rest I will manage". Ming and Yo nodded to Beam and Beam notice May look upset when he talks about Kit. He sure there is something between May and Ming.

They had their tea and wanted to move. Mr.Jaturapoom and Mrs.Sansuan ask Beam to take care of his safety but Mr.Baraemee didn't say that because he is aware of how professionally Beam is trained by his father. Beam get their blessing and moves with Ming, May, and Yo. They reach the campus by night and wish good luck for Beam. Beam just stare at them.

"You guys are totally unbelievable. After getting me in trouble, how you guys can still wish me luck?" Ask Beam and as expected three of them says sorry.

May then comes to Beam and gave him a box.

"What is this May" ask Beam.

"Beam, these are the money, gifts, and jewels you buy for me. I don't have any rights for them. Please take it. I know I have hurt your feelings and karma did that back to me but I still believe everything is for goodness" says May by looking at Ming. Beam can see the pain and sorrow in her eyes. Beam is sure May in love Ming. 

"Tomorrow I will return all the present you gave" replied Beam. 

"No need Beam, All the gift are bought by Forth. I just pass it to you" says May then walks to her car. Beam notice May is driving the Lexus. Beam feel happy all those gifts he got from May was special and at a point he likes them but now he knows all of them are bought by Forth for him. 

"Ming is there anything between you and May" asked Beam directly at Ming and he saw a change in Ming's face. Ming look at ground as he couldn't see Beam's face.

"We loved each other during our high school time but I cheat her," says Ming sadly.

"You cheat her?" ask Beam.

"Yes, as I get close to your group. I fall for Kit and I couldn't stop myself loving him although I'm still in a relationship with May at that time. She found out this and we break up" says Ming with sorrow in his face.

"I'm sorry," says Beam

"Nothing to do with you Beam. I hope she will find a person who understands her well very soon. Beam, if Forth becomes uncontrollable or mad..."

"Should I call you" interrupt Beam before Ming could complete his sentence.

"Sure, you can call me but there is a secret weapon you can use."

"What's that"asked Beam excitedly.

"You tears" answered Ming.

Beam doesn't understand what to with his tears and Forth.

"I don't understand," says Beam.

"I don't remember when but Forth tell me he feels like his heart being crashed the moment he saw tears in your eyes."

"Really, this sound so cheesy," says Beam.

"No, Beam... Forth is not a person who says cheezy words. If he said that it then he means that" replied Ming confidently.

Beam just nodded but he still believes none can harm him when he has his own skill. Beam back to Forth's room and waits for him. By midnight Forth back to his room but White follows him as well. Beam doesn't expect White and same goes to White. Both of them stare at each other.

Forth place his things on his study table and the first thing he does, goes to Beam, ruffle his hair and kiss on his forehead. "Is this guy obsessed with my hair and forehead" thought by Beam. He can see White's face turning red again.

"Where you been today? Why I can't find you in your faculty?" ask Forth.

"We had a group project, so we spent our time in library group discussion room" replied Beam hoping Forth won't be searching him in the library.

Forth nodded and introduce White to Beam. Both of them had a fake smile in front of Forth.

White bought supper for Forth. Although Forth doesn't want to eat she forced him to do so. She acts closely with Forth making Beam fumes in jealousy. Beam think to teach her a lesson but he didn't get any idea at that moment. White purposely drops water on Forth's shirt and act like to wipe them but she touches Forth's body more. Forth tried his best to stop her but she didn't stop.

"How shameless she is. I will do something now" thought by Beam. He saw eye glycerin and get the idea. He pours some on his eyes and it appears like Beam is crying. He walks to kitchen crossing Forth and White while looking at Forth. Forth looks at Beam with tears. He gets tensed he immediately pushed White away from him. Luckily White able to balance herself.

"White, it's late. Go to your room" says Forth coldly. She tries to say something Forth...

I said, "Out now!!!" Shouted Forth and White moves. Forth goes to hug Beam.

"Why baby... what happens?"

~●~ To Be Continue ~●~

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A Revenge Story (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now