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Beam begin to walk towards Forth with the knife. White gets panic and asks her gangster to stop Beam. All their attention goes Beam but none dares to near him as he is holding the knife with White's fingerprint.

"P'White, P'Forth is missing" shouted Joss out of sudden. All of them turned and only able to see the rope left that used tight Forth's hand.

"How did he cut the rope?" Asked White.

"Ohhh, I gave him my surgical knife," says, Beam.

"What!!!!" shouted White and turn to Beam. She can see Beam have moved far and Forth running towards Beam. Forth immediately hugged Beam.

"You make me scared Beam. I thought you hate me" says Forth.

"I can fight with all of them but you been tight up to its very dangerous for you. That's why I have to act like that" says Beam while pecking a kiss on Forth's cheek in front of White.

"I understand that the moment you wink and passed your pen to me," says Forth.

White gets angry as she realized she been tricked by Beam clever in order to save Forth from her.

"Beam, you cheat me" shouted White.

"I will do anything to protect my love," says Beam while Forth kisses in Beam's neck just to maximize White's irritation.

White instruct all the gangster to kill both Forth and Beam but she didn't expect Beam would be standing and smiling. He asks Forth to rest as he just got hit by the gangster. Beam get ready to show his skill. They surround him and the only thing White and Joss can see is Beam is attacking and the gangster couldn't even touch him. Beam just goes missing the second they want to hit him.

White and Joss go to Forth with some other gangster. Forth don't want to hit his own family but they don't see him that way. Joss used the opportunity and hold Forth's arm. White took a wood on her hand.

"I have only two things in my mind, you have to accept me or I will kill you," says White.

Forth smirk and says "Bitch like you don't deserve me".

She gets mad hearing Forth calling her bitch. She about to hit Forth while the gangster holds Forth firmly. Beam see no way he could go and help Forth. He recalls his professor words that Forth can be aggressive if he gets hurts.

Beam move inside the building so Forth can't see him and start shouted "FORTH HELP ME!!! FORTH HELP ME.."

Forth hear Beam is asking for help. His mind doesn't think of anything, the only thing he can see is he need to save Beam. He just pushed everyone in just a second. White's eyes get wider. She wonders where Forth get such strength. Beam keep shouting and Forth begin hit those block his way mercilessly. Joss comes to block Forth just sprained his neck and goes. White gets afraid and moves, Beam saw his plan worked perfectly. He saw Forth coming and let the last person hit him. Forth continuous to punch him. Beam goes to Forth and hugs him. It works perfectly and Forth gets back to normal.

Forth and Beam wanted to leave but the gangster approaches them again. They knew both Forth and Beam are skillful fighters but they still have to fight since there is only two person in their opponents. However, their calculation becomes wrong the moment Ming, Kit, Park, and Lam joins them. Those gangster look at each other. The wonder whether they have to fight as all six of them just stand in a position to start a fight in a professional way. White look at them and shouts kill all of them but before they could react. Pha, Yo, and May arrived there with police. 

The police arrested they gangsters, Joss and White. She is mad, and she could accept her plan being backfired like this. Beam saw Mrs. Sansuan with the police but she hesitates to come in front of Forth. Yo inform Beam, his mother came to campus to meet him to know how the progress is but when she heard about this she wanted to come along. Beam understand her but he is not sure whether it's right for Forth to meet his mother. 

White saw the knife, she escapes from the cop and gets the knife. She runs to stab Forth where none notice her act but Mrs.Sansuan notice that and comes to save Forth. Unfortunately, she gets stab and blood splash all over the place.

"Shit it happen as I saw," says Beam and run to her.

"Maaa" shouted Forth and hold her. Forth's eyes get teary. She wipes his tears and said, "You called me maa Forth, I'm happy dying like this son".

"Maa don't leave us" cries Yo.

Pha, Beam, and Kit check the wound. Kit asks Ming to give him the shirt he wears and use that to tie at her stomach. It will help to reduce blood loss. They immediately bring her to the hospital. Beam see the treatment and found she is safe. He goes to Forth and Yo who is crying. Pha bring Yo with him and Beam think to use the chance before revealing his mother is safe. 

"Forth, a mothers love will never change no matter what we did. See she didn't care about her life but she wants you to be safe. That is what mother love is Forth" says Beam softly. He then explains why his mother leaves them and such things happen in the past and makes Forth understand what had happened is not wrong. Forth realize his mistake. He hugs Beam and cries heavily. Beam doesn't stop Forth, he wants Forth to release all his feeling that he been kept inside his heart for years that make him to becomes such person. 

~●~ To Be Continue ~●~

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