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Beam just stand still while being hugged by Forth

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Beam just stand still while being hugged by Forth. He didn't say anything because he doesn't know what to say. Beam still in shocked how Forth's facial expression changed when Forth saw his face with tears. He is happy of the love Forth have for him but as a medical student Beam can feel the tension of what Forth going through. Forth wipes Beam's tears and look at Beam's face.

"I didn't bring her, she comes herself. I promised this won't happen again" said Forth seriously.

"I trust you Forth but still it hurts to see others being close to you," said Beam honestly. He is not happy White being close with Forth.

"One more thing Forth, I don't want to see her in our room again," said Beam to which Forth just nodded and smile hearing 'our room' from Beam. Forth bring Beam to their bed and make him sleep. Its already midnight, Forth just kiss on Beam's forehead and Beam close his eyes to sleep. The next day Beam goes to his faculty and can see Kit being happy with Ming and Yo is fine with Pha. He can see both Ming and Yo already say everything to Kit and Pha.

"Beam, is true what we heard?" Asked Pha

"Are you okay with this? Are you happy?" Continue Kit.

"This two always concern about me," thought by Beam as he can see their worriedness in their face. "I'm okay guys, what else I can do when I already fall in love with him. If he is just a stranger then things will be different but now he is mine. I have to take care of everything" said Beam.

Yo and Ming get happier hearing this. Both of them thank Beam.

"Okay, where is May? Why don't she join us today" asked Beam?

"Beam, remember White is in this faculty. We have to be careful. If she knows we had planned this then she will do something evil" says, Ming.

"We are not scared of her but our motive now is to make P'Forth understand that his revenge is not worth at all. We just don't want any extra issues" says Yo.

Beam understand what mean by Yo and Ming. "They are really clever and act wisely to safe Forth" thought by Beam and share what happened last night regarding his tears, shocking Pha and Kit.

"Seriously Beam, Forth did that" ask Kit.

"Yes, I didn't expect that but still I'm happy," says Beam

"I told you right Beam, if Forth said something then he really means it" added Ming.

They saw White coming with Joss and they changed their topic. White comes to their table and looks at Beam. "I already told you Forth is acting. Why can't you just accept that?" asked White.

"I'm not going to believe a stranger like you. Who talk bad about Forth behind him and act nicely in front of him" says, Beam. Ming and Yo stunned by the portrayal shown by Beam. They understand Beam is playing along with White without letting her know he is aware of everything.

"Really, you believe him to that extent. You are going be hurt in the end Beam. Awake now... I pity for you" said White, while showing her fake concern. 

"Thanks for your care. Whatever happens, it's between me and my boyfriend. I don't prefer the third person to come in. I believe Forth won't hurt me" says Beam confidently. Surprisingly Forth is watching everything from far. Forth just glare at White. She can feel the anger on Forth's eyes. She moves away with Joss as Forth approach the table. Forth bring breakfast for Beam as he wakes up late today. Forth smile at Beam and kiss in his forehead in front everyone. Beam don't mind that but White gets tensed.

"Beam, eat your breakfast before you go to your class," says Forth.

Beam get them and gets happy to see his favorite porridge. Beam asked Forth to seat beside him and feed him. At this moment Beam doesn't have anything on his mind. He just wants to feel his mother's presence. Even though Forth had sotus meeting. He still sits beside Beam and feeds him. Forth understand why Beam asked for it. Pha, Yo, Ming, and Kit just look at these pair without blinking their eyes.

"Erhmm hherrmm," Ming did his fake coughing and says "I can't be here anymore. I'm feeling so hot".

"Forth, where did you buy this porridge? It looks delicious" asked Pha.

"I made it myself" replied Forth.

"Ohh.. my god. P'Beam you are so lucky to have someone to cook for you. Hmmmm... in my case I have to do everything myself. What a bad luck I have" says Yo sadly while winking at Forth.

"No!!!!!..... don't feel like that. I will go cooking class and cook for you Yo" says Pha.

Forth just smile at them but he didn't stop feeding Beam till Beam feel full. On the other side, White and Joss watch everything that happens.

"P'White, I told you right. P'Forth changed, he is in love with Beam. He forgets about the revenge" says Joss.

"The time you told me Forth not reacting to your question I still don't believe you but when I saw the pendant I'm sure something is wrong but based on what happened last night and now. I'm sure he is deeply in love with Beam" reply White angrily.

"So what we gonna do?" asked Joss.

"I don't care about Forth's revenge. I just want Forth for myself. I have a plan in my mind. Hope it will work" says, White.

~●~ To Be Continue ~●~

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