Chapter Eleven

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okay enjoy  (l hope)  ha

I need to talk to Dakota and Brandon today. Explaining to them about what happened with Anthony will probably help them understand that I'm not trying to get in trouble. They probably think I'm friends with him or something. I mean we could be friends, but I only met him once.

I get ready ten minutes early today and head off to the program. l reach the building way before usual and there are only a few students inside. Dakota and Brandon are both already seated at their desks in the front row. Dakota turns her head to the sound of my footsteps.

"What a surprise you're early," Dakota stated obviously. Now turning her whole body towards me. Her olive green eyes scanning my clothes, identical to hers.

"Yeah l wanted to talk to you and Brandon today , so we can do something after the program ," I said cautiously, hoping, praying, that Dakota would agree. That would give  me a chance to explain myself. Dakota didn't answer me for a few seconds , but when she cleared her throat I lifted my eyes from the ground up to meet hers.

"Fine, just wait outside the door of the building after our classes are over." Dakota and Brandon turned around in a robotic motion to face the front of the room when the Instructor walked into the room. I scurried to my seat a few rows back and sat down before being noticed. I slammed my head against my desk, exhausted.

"It's too early for school," I groaned to myself. The girl next to me giggled adjusting her big bun of red hair.

"Good Morning students," the Instructor said, a little too perky to be natural.


As soon as the Instructor dismissed our class I walked in order with the rest of the students, heading out side into the city. Walking off to the side I leaned against the wall and waited for Dakota and Brandon to exit the same as I had. They left the building together and looked around for me. Turning around until they spotted me, my dark skin and tan clothes blending in with the wall. 

"So, what is so important that you came early to class?" Dakota asked, looking quite disinterested.

"I want to explain the events that occurred yesterday." I stood up from the wall and attempted to be as proper as I could for the sake of my friends. I was trying to get them to believe me, even if I had to act better. Brandon nodded, urging me to continue. Dakota on the other hand, crossed her arms suddenly turning defensive. She was probably getting ready to argue with me. "You both probably saw that one man protesting. Well, I tried to get him to stop. The officers thought I was helping him so we both had to run. Once we were safe I started questioning. He told me that the government was moving us to spy on all of us and bringing in armies." My voices eventually became whispers as I explained.

Dakota raised her eyebrows and a wicked smile grew across her face. "I knew it. See Brandon, this, is why I try to keep you away from her. Once again she's feeding us lies. Jackie, when will you get it through your thick skull that the government is only trying to help? You were obviously helping that wretched guy out by warning him. A real, loyal citizen would've helped turn in someone spreading lies."

"I'm sick of you! I'm not l."

"You know what, how about I turn you into the officers. I'm sure they'd love to get rid of you once and for all. Actually, they would probably be thrilled and I wouldn't feel too bad myself."

"Screw you, just...Brandon I'm sorry you're going to be stuck with her forever because I'm done with both of you. I can find someone better than Dakota anywhere." After giving Brandon a small nod I pushed off the wall and walked in the opposite direction of my home.

sorry it's short and I haven't updated in months

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