Chapter Six

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okay let's start

chapter six.......


Dakota, Brandon, and I are walking along an unpaved road. None of us has said anything for a while. When we went to see Brandon we talked about what had happened at the Ration Station. Brandon got pretty quiet after that, but he eventually asked what had happened between us. We said we had made up and we had forgiven each other, but no matter what had happened or what we said I knew we were both lying.

I can't forgive Dakota and I don't think I will anytime soon. She almost completely ruined my friendship with Brandon. If I lost my friendship with him I wouldn't have anyone left. Dakota already hates me, no matter what she says. I can't lose Brandon because I already lost Brianna. If the two of them left me I would eventually want to meet new people. The only problem with that around here is that once we reach a certain age everyone already has there groups, and the people who don't are seen as trouble. If everyone is the same how hard could it be to meet people just like you?

The point I'm trying to make is that if everyone is the same, then who wouldn't be able to make any friends. People would probably look at me as some sort of delinquent, someone who wants to bring our government to its knees. Don't get me wrong I want to change the way we live, but I don't want to hurt anyone along the way.

"The KR Program starts soon," Brandon interrupted my thoughts. Oh, great we're back to this again. I knew Dakota wanted to talk about it and I did too, but I don't feel anywhere close to talking about this right now.

"I know. I'm excited, but also a little nervous," Dakota said. I could tell she wasn't telling the full truth. No matter how much she worshiped our government, the KR Program we are going to be in frightened her.

"I'm ready to get this over with, so I can have a job, find someone, and start a family."

"Me too."

"What about you, Jackie?" Brandon asked me. Thanks, I totally wanted brought into this conversation about boring jobs and perfect families.

"Oh, I um, I can't wait to find out about the job I get assigned," I answered. Lie, that was a downright lie. The job options were terrible and I'll probably be chosen for the worst one. I don't even know what the worst one would be.

"I am completely thrilled to learn about them, too. Some of us could be guards and office workers, and a few will even get to work for the government. The small percent chosen for government work could even work in the capitol," Dakota said, overjoyed. I couldn't blame her for being happy with the situation we faced. She loves our leaders, so any job benefiting the government makes her giddy.

Dakota was usually wrong about many things, but she was right about the work choices given to us. There is only three jobs office workers, government employees, and city guards. The majority of students entering the program would become a boring, plebeian worker. They would work in an office, just as my parents do. A small group will become ruthless city guard, hunting down the slightest amount of rebellion. Lastly the big, bad government workers. About one to five of the entire group would be chosen for this work. 

"Isn't there anything else you would rather do?" I asked both Brandon and Dakota. I know it was a little out of line and I shouldn't be talking about something so 'crazy', but it just slipped out. It was always a thought I had.

"We can't really do anything else. No matter how badly we want to or how bored we get, it's just not a possibility for anyone," Brandon answered back after a long pause. I have never, not once, in my life heard him say anything like that before. His comment could not have been any more accurate. The three jobs offered were the only jobs offered. Everything, I mean everything operates by machinery. If you're sick or injured you go to town hall and a government employee will take you to a box structure. It resembles an elevator, but when you step into it, the machine will do all of it's tests after you put in all your symptoms and information. Then, bam! You're given a cast to match your skin tone or medicine that will help with in the day.

What about the other jobs necessary for a thriving society? All food is produced or grown in labs being grown and made by mechanics. Officers for the city also double as the men, or women, who take care of fires and transport citizens to the "elevator." The officers also take care of the members of our society that have died. All the technology was created when we changed our country to this controlling way of life. The programs, electronics, and machinery was created by men and women who were later thrown in jail for their profound thinking. Talk about stabbing someone in the back.

There are many careers and worker that are necessary in the world that have been replace of combined with a government or officer position.Many jobs are to creative or different to actually be done by anyone, according to the leaders in the capital. None of the occupations available have anything to do with art, nature, literature, or drama. Every job must be a clone of the rest. I think three different options is pushing it for the way we live, the government will probably put more limits on them soon.


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