A Bully's Bully

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I am a firm believer of everything happens for a reason. I, in no way, agree with bullying or other forms of abuse. I believe that it should all be stopped. This is me giving the character Flash more depth than just a bully. I do not think his actions in the movies are ok, but this is me giving him more character and making him more human. Thank you for reading this. If you do not like this and think all bullies are soulless, do not read this. Otherwise, enjoy!


Peter swing through the city and landed on a roof top. He was in the rich neighborhood. He had only seen the area once when he went to Liz's party, and never did patrol here since the people were rich and most likely had good security, but he heard a scream so he head this way. He was looking around the area. It was late, so most houses had their lights off, but one house had the entire downstairs lit up. Peter headed there, and heard a small whimper. Something like that wouldn't have been audible to a regular human ear, but Peter heard it clearly.

He was expecting to see someone being robbed, maybe being held to get some money, but no. He saw two people yelling at something on the ground. He thought nothing of it, until he saw it was a person. A kid, more specifically. They were small, a child maybe. The parents continued to yell at the child, and Peter could hear quiet sobs. He was about to break the window, when he heard someone else.

"Stop, please."

Peter looked to the direction of the voice, to see a teenager walking down some stairs. The faces in the house were blurred by the window and poor view Peter had, but he could tell the people's ages by heir height, build, and voices.

"Why are you out of your room? I thought we made it clear that we wanted you to not interfere. Your sister-"

"Is a kid mom," the teenager spoke, their voice shaking, "she is in first grade. Her grades matter, or course, but she got a B mom. That's ok.

"So what your saying, is your sister isn't s failure." The father spoke.


"You never let me finish son."

"Sorry," the teenager spoke in a near whisper.

"So your sister isn't a failure, but you are. Interrupting. Saying we should tolerate bad grades. I don't even know why we tolerate you!" With that, the father walked over and slapped the teen. He stood there, looking not even phased by the motion. "Go to your room!" The boy didn't move. "Did you not hear me the first time? Go to your f*¢king room you


The mother now marched over to the kid. "You are a disgrace to the family name. You are a stupid piece of sh*t. You are no son of mine. Now go to your room." When the boy still didn't move, the parents slapped him, then began to punch the teen. They purposely avoided the face, so no one would clearly see their abuse.

Peter took this as his Que to enter. "I am just disappointed. I don't have anything snarky to say." Spider man landed in the middle of the house. He saw the small brown haired girl not register his arrival, as she was crying and rocking back and forth. The teen then crawled over to his sister, wrapping his arms around her while his parents were distracted.

"You don't understand Spider man! They needed some sense knocked into them!" The father spoke. Both adults were clearly nervous. They hoped that this hero hadn't heard everything.

"I know everything I need to know to say that you are bad parents."

The mother spoke up now. "What are you going to do? You don't have any video proof."

The vigilante put a finger to his ear. "Karen, is baby monitor protocol still going?" Yes, a female voice replied so Peter could only hear it. "Shoot, your right, I didn't get anything." Sarcasm dripped from each word. "Guess I better go now, with them of course." He motioned for the two kids to come over to him.

"You can't just take our children!" The mother exclaimed.

"Yes I can. Abuse is a no in my book." When the two kids didn't respond he walked over to them and bent down. The parents were walking over furiously, but Peter webbed them before they could do anything. "Hey, it's all right, I will bring you somewhere safe. You can trust me." He spoke this in a soft voice. The teenage boy looked up.

"Thank you Spider man." Peter was shocked to see Flash Thompson sitting in front of him. Red marks were on his face from where he was slapped, and he could see bruises forming on his arms. He never noticed that Flash had bags under his eyes at school, but he could see them promptly now as he looked at the abused kid.

"No problem, let's get you out of here." The vigilante stood up and offered his bully a hand. The teen took it, and helped his sister up. She had calmed down at this point. He walked the siblings out of the house, leading them to a street. He went back into the house and found them some blankets, ignoring the parent's ples that it wasn't their fault.  He came back out with ice and blankets. He offered them to the two kids that now sat on the curb, and they took them. Flash put the bag of ice over his eye, and the two kids wrapped the blankets around themselves.

"Karen, call the police and send them the footage from tonight." Yes Peter. He walked over to the curb and awkwardly sat next to his bully. His bully was being abused. This shocked Peter. He never really thought about what Flash could be going through. He always had so much on his mind. He was so busy saving others, he never really stopped to look at the people right in front of him.

Who knows? Maybe something this big is under all of our noses? "I guess," Peter thought, "Flash is more human than I thought."

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