Golfing Adventure (2)

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Peter was the most excited on the flight. None of the guardians were fond of many of the guests (well, except Thor and Rocket), but they all loved Peter. Who couldn't? Tony flew on the outside of the plane as they glided swiftly to Little Duffer's mini golfing. Peter stared out the window with the guardians flying the ship behind him. He had gone to his post at the front after handing Mantis her small green golf ball that changed color when she touched it. He liked that one a lot. They landed in the parking lot after a few minutes. If the place had been open to the public, then people would have been screaming like they were at Peter's school. Peter's eyes widened. "Oh no," he breathed out as he froze half way down the ramp out of the space ship. "What is it kid?" Tony spoke this as he stepped out of his suit. The suit flew up and away from the group, probably to go back to the compound. Peter looked at his mentor. “Well now all my classmates are know that I am friends with ‘aliens’.” Peter put quotes around the last word. Tony sighed and motioned for the teen to come up to him. “Mr. Parker. You have thought through every little problem that could occur and you forgot about your classmates?” Peter was getting nervous. Mr. Stark was using the tone he used when he took away his suit. “I… I, ya…” Speaking seemed so difficult for him all of a sudden. Mr. Stark obviously noticed this and hid a smirk. “Well then you have nothing to worry about.” Peter looked up at his mentor who, despite his best efforts, couldn’t hide the small smile from his face. Peter’s fear was replaced with confusion. Mr. Stark looked down at Peter, before letting out a small laugh. “I arranged a little meeting with your principle. We both have talked things out, and we all said it was just an emergency call for the Stark Internship ™.” Peter’s smile returned to his face, the worry disappearing like the sun behind a cloud. “Thank you, Mr. Stark!” He then went on to skip away and towards the gold ball shaped building. Tony couldn’t help but smile. “He’s a good kid.” ~|0|~ After a while, everyone had arrived and been handed their golf balls. Cap’s was blue with a ring of red a blue on one side and a white star in the middle. Bucky got a silver one with a red star on it. It was simple, and Peter liked it. It was also one of his favorites. Rhodey had been handed a silver ball with light blue lines making shapes quite similar to Mr. Stark’s. After walking sneakily over to where Natasha sat, he left the black golf ball on her table. She picked it up and turned it around to find it had an electric blue-black window mark on one side. Small lines that were ment to represent electricity came out of it as well. She almost smiled. Bruce Banner did not reciefve a green ball, despite what many of you most likely thought. He got a light silver one (since it was his favorite color) with DNA chains twisting around it. Science beakers were painted occasionally in some places. Banner like this one a lot. Sam received his by getting it chucked at the back of his head. Apparently Bucky had asked Peter if he could give it to Sam, and decided to hit him on the head with it instead of handing it to him like a civilized person. It wasn’t with his regular arm either. He had thrown it with the metal arm. The blur of red and silver pelted him in the head, and almost made him bleed. Wanda and Vision sat on some golf ball chairs off to the side. He handed Wanda a light blue ball with some spots with light red swirls all around it. Vision received a plain red one with a little gold crystal on it. Both were very grateful. The Wizard and his Wizard friend that Peter had never met both stood off to the corner bickering. They were handed similar golf balls as well. The Wizard he had met had those weird circle symbols on it but were emerald green (Forgive me Irene for I have sinned), while the other Wizard had his circle shapes in a nice gold. The only two who hadn’t received their golrd ball were Scott (SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT SCOOT) and Hope. They received very tiny golf balls, but when enlarged, had the ant face that was on Scott’s suit, and the wasp face that could be found on Hope’s suit. Both laughed a nice laugh and thanked the kid for his gift. After everyone was situated, Peter announced that they would begin golfing. He first brought everyone outside (This isn’t going to be insane like the one in P&F, but like a high end mini golf place)to where they would start golfing. Luckily, they didn’t need to be put into groups and the golfing began. Everyone who didn’t know how to mini golf (including Nat and Wanda), were given the rules of the game. Most of the guardians didn’t listen, and Thor just didn’t understand. Thor started by throwing Storm Breaker at the hole, without the lightning mind you. Then Drax almost ate his golf ball, Mantis kept nudging it with her finger, while nebula just stabbed it with a sword. After explaining how to do it a few more times, everyone finally understood. Thor kept on using Storm Breaker, and Nebula kept over shooting the hole, but it was fun. Chaotic, but fun. Bye the end of the entire fiasco, no one was really following the rules. Bucky and Steve turned it into ‘Who Could Throw It Into The Hole’. Wanda kept making sure hers rolled into the hole with her magic. Tony had started blasting his instead of hitting it, and Mantis went back to poking it. It was out of hand by the end, with Drax nearly injecting his golf ball again, Tony’s almost getting disintegrated, and Bucky ‘accidentally’ hitting Sam in the head again. The group of things (they aren’t all friends and defiantly aren’t all humans) walked back out and were almost immediately bombarded with the press. Apparently it wasn’t too difficult to follow a massive alien space ship, no matter how fast it was. Peter didn’t mind though, he just put his hood up, and all the people formed a mob around him. He was quite short behind all the aliens, demigods and super heroes, so only one news outlet decided to talk about the mysterious hooded figure the group of people had surrounded. It wasn’t a very popular article. Peter’s sense were a bit overwhelmed, but Shuri helped him through it. They made it back to the space ship easily. No matter what, no one could have ruined Peter’s day.

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