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CHRISTMAS! I am an uncultured swine (aka someone who knows very little about other cultures/ religions) so this is Christmas. I am sorry. I know I said I would post every day, but I have school projects and I wasn't happy with some of the stuff I was producing (dodgeball and Winter Filler) so I decided to give myself more time. No matter what you guys celebrate, I hope you guys have a wonderful break!

Peter sprung from his bed and ran to his window. His heart was pounding as he peered out the foggy glass pane. There was snow! Peter silently cheered, and then rushed to get his PJs off.

Peter was never one for fashion, but when it was the winter time, well you know the teen had his outfits planned (pajamas and all) months before December. Yes, he did realize that winter was also technically in November as well, but he didn't have enough energy for 2 months.

Peter pulled off his dark blue plaid pajama bottoms and rubbed his legs as the cold air attack his bare legs. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair on long underwear. (Long underwear is basically fuzzy leggings that you wear underneath your clothes that may not keep you warm.) He then grabbed a pair of green Christmas light pants and put a light green shirt with a picture of Buddy from Elf that had the words, Son of A Nutcracker going around his head.

Peter grabbed his tennis shoes before heading out to the foyer. He didn't find May there, so he decided to wait. To kill time, he made both of them a light breakfast consisting of eggs and small bagels. He then decided to make the dough for the cookies they were going to make later.

By the time the dough was in the fridge, May emerged from her room wearing a red sweatshirt and a Christmas tree necklace that hung near her abdomen. She also had a pair of black pants with candy canes on them. To top it off, her makeup matched the outfit, her hair was pulled back with a reindeer hair tie, snowmen earrings hung from her ears, Her wire frame glasses were on, and she wore a pair of nice boots.

"Morning Peter."

"Good morning May!"

The older woman chuckled at the teen. She loved him so much.

"I take it you are ready?"

The teen nodded his head excessively, and May smiled even wider.

"Then let's go." The two walked to the door, grabbing a pair of red gloves for may, and a lime green scarf and beanie for Peter. The two didn't mess around when it came to Christmas. They both put on thicker coats after, in case it rained. They then left their apartment behind, closing the door on color lights, decorations, and joy, and walking out to face the brutality that is New York City.

At least no one had stolen the lights off their door.


The two entered the small bakery with smiles. The elderly woman smiled at the sight of the two and turned to tell something to a man to her left. She then turned back to the two who were now at the counter.

"Oh my, Peter! You have grown so much!"

Peter smiled. "I have, haven't I?"

"Oh yes. And May. How are you? Are you holding up alright?"

"Oh, I am fine Ms. B."

The lady behind the counter slapped May's hand playfully. "You know it is Crystalline to you two."

Everyone smiled for a little bit.

Crystalline resembled the grandmother from The Lorax movie, with the hair and the round face and the glasses. She was taller, however, and she didn't need dentures. Her back was bent either. The lady was very nice. She pulled the red coat around her Ugly Christmas Sweater closer to her as she talked to the two. Everyone was smiling and laughing as the man from before emerged from the back with a paper bag that smelled live heaven. Peter would know what heaven smelt like after all. Since he died...

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