Will Cyrus reign?

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Cyrus had finally entered the castle with the help of over onehundred thousand men at his side when they entered!   NOONE survived there entrance, his men was tought to kill not be killed. So they did, finally they found yours truly Prince Amenho's father still upon his throne and you would think he was winning from the smile on his face.

Well Cyrus,

you finally arrived,  you now I've been waiting for you and you must have really done a number on the men I sent your way the rest of my men headed there a week ago with my Son leading them. They haven't returned so I ask you my final wish is before u.......

Cyrus was so mad he didn't let him finish, Cyrus killed him before he finished his question.  Cyrus already new his question and no I haven't but he's next. 

Cyrus didn't now  what to do he had men but they were all beat up and in no condition to fight another war to day they would shurly be walking into a trap. So there for they would have to let the Prince think he won. Until then they would some stay with the fairy's and some with the merpeople. We can rebuild somewere else start over but for now lets get out of this hell.

We must go find Annabelle. Alexander my not arrive to help Annabelle if he went home he didn't leave.  So pick were you think you should be go there and stay until told other wise by myself or Alexander, if God help us he went to Annabelle and not Atlantis first.

Cyrus said nothing else to anyone he turned his horse around and went on his way to the Atlantis ocean to be with Annabelle.

Two of Cyrus's main men went ahead of Cyrus and opened the doors. Cyrus had made his way there shortly thereafter as soon as the doors was half way open Egyptian soldiers came from out of know were, Cyrus and both of his men was hit with spears and more men poured in side the small room only one carriage had entered and it had been Cyrus. Know the men of Atlantis was destroyed only four

hundred men made it out only one hundred atlantians survived and they all mantaged to bring there king home to barried him. Theses men were the strongest, and smartest men of Atlantis. They took out enough of the Egyptian's that most returned back some stayed to finish there dutie. In the end most the men from Atlantis had died most the Egyptians retreated to other places to rebuild and pick a new king the young Prince was killed by the one hundred men that survived. And after finishing there duets to Cyrus the one hundred returned to the ocean and to the field's of fairys.

nintyfive percent of the men returned to the ocean with Annabelle.

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