Chapter Seven

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The park's running track was empty, like it usually was this time in the morning

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The park's running track was empty, like it usually was this time in the morning. The shadows of the trees surrounded the area. The sky was a perfect array of orange and yellow, which casted a sullen brightness over the track. Peaceful, and tame.

Travis preferred his trainings in the early hours. It woke him up, and let him think. About the team. Coach Dillon was determined to get them to state, a possible result for them. And being the team captain was stressful.

About Natalya. It was a shock for everyone, but no one seemed to realise how serious it was. She was murdered, yet people treated it like it was any other sort of gossip.

His friends hadn't acted any different, which he didn't expect anything less. Except for maybe Shannon, his sister. Her and Natalya were pretty close. Shannon was acting kind of distant, and strangely quiet, which was different than her usual outgoing nature.

Their friendship meant that keeping his and Natalya's secret was hard. But he didn't want to be the one to tell her that he slept with her best friend. He left that job to Natalya. Whether or not she told her was another story. I shouldn't have hooked up with her.

He grabbed his foot for some quad stretches.

Travis didn't want Camille to find out either. She already thought there was something going on between him and Natalya, but that was down to the fact that Natalya couldn't keep her hands off him.

And he usually turned her down. Until that fight he and Camille had after Homecoming last year. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he regretted it ever since. It didn't help matters that Natalya seemed to think it meant much more.

Travis took off around the track, his muscular arms and legs pumping, and his surroundings a blur. He let his mind wonder. Camille was all he could think about. He knew why she ended things. What his friends did was unthinkable. He just wanted a chance to make things right with her, but she shot him down every time.

When he reached the end of the lap, his grey running vest was drenched in sweat, as were his arms and forehead. The vest was tight on his body, which was a devotion to many hours of gym training.

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