Stewie looked at what he had done. He murdered his own mother. He dropped the gun, laughing in victory. On his way running out of the house he fell down the stairs. "MOMMY! MOMMY I FELL!" But then he realized he killed her. He sat and cried. Suddenly, Brian flew through the door. "Oh my god Stewie are you alright?" He picked up Stewie. "What happened?" Stewie explained what he did.
"Why would you do that?"
"I don't know, I wanted her dead for so long!"
But Stewie didn't realize that without a mother he was hopeless. He would never have a mother figure growing up in his life, and he would have to deal with the fact that he had killed her. Stewie knew what he had to do.
Stewie ran to his room and quickly found a notepad. He scribbled something down and began preparing.
Brian was bored. He had an idea.
"I know what to do! I'll find Jack Nicholson and show him my NFL Fanfiction! He'll have to make it a movie!" Brian flew off to Hollywood to find Jack.
Peter looked at the dead body of Lois. He knew who had killed her. It was Stewie, after all. He was going to kill that bastard boy. He needed some help first. He ran outside and went to Joe's house.
"Hey Joe can I have your wheelchair?"
"No, Peter I need this to get ar-"
In the middle of that sentence Peter kicked Joe off of the wheelchair and stole it and ran away. He then ran to Quagmires house for more help.
"Hey Quagmire, do you happen to have whips and handcuffs around?"
"Why Peter, I sure do!"
Peter took them and ran to Stewies room.