A New Challenger Approaches!

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??? POV

I had to kill them. They were in smash, why aren't I? Brian and Stewie will die, and it will be horrific. I must be in smash and they must die!

Brian and Stewie chilled at home, watching TV. Suddenly, the lights in the house turned out.
"Brian? What the deuce is going on?"
"I-I don't know Stewie I'll check the fuse."
Brian stood up but was immediately hit in the head and knocked out.
"What the-"
Stewie was knocked out too. They both woke up tied to chairs and a rusty dusty musty basement.
"Brian? What the deuce is happening?"
"I don't know Stewie! We have to escape..."
Suddenly an old tv started up. A deep voice began playing.
"Hello Brian and Stewie. Want to play a game?"
Brian jumped and Stewie screamed.
"It's a simple game really. Just survive and escape. This room will be a test of your basic competence."
Brian and Stewie were realeased and they realized they were in a room with two doors and a bathroom stall. They had to solve the puzzle, and the only clue was written on the wall in blood.
"Blood?" Stewie inquired.
"I hope it's not... Chris's blood..."
Brian hoped so too. The message read-
Escaping this trap will be a flush, pick the right door and rush.

Brian thought that was tacky.

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