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As Kirishima continued to tap his shoes against the ground, the line shortened. Eventually, the male became the next person to order. He walked up to the counter and mumbled his order, stepped out of line, and the next to people stepped forward.

Nothing special. Nothing unordinady.
Just a really fucking hot guy ordering coffee. A guy ordering coffee.

That's it.

At least that's what Kirishima was trying to tell himself?

Kirishima, now weirdly annoyed, yanked out his phone and began to aggressively scroll through his notifications. He came across a picture of Denki and Sero. He sighed and reluctantly commented. "Get a room?"

The picture was of the two kissing. They looked like they were doing... well, and Kirishima was really happy for then, but he'd already convinced himself that he'd never have an Instagram feed filled with normal pictures of him and a boyfriend. Let alone a couple of ones like that.

Not in a hundred years, or a thousand... or more. Kirishima, after multiple events occurred, gave up on trying to love someone. He had other things to worry about; things that determined whether he would be able to have dinner that night or not.

"Katskui Bakugo? One black coffee!" A barista raised her voice slightly and set the drink on the table.

Who comes to Starbucks and unironically orders black coff-- oh shit.

The handsome, stunning, fucking hot human being pulled out one earbud, walked up to the counter, and swiftly slid the drink off the edge and into his hand.

Katsuki Bakugo.

"... sir?" The other barista looked over the register at Eijirou.

His eyes followed Bakugo all the way out of the door and into the parking lot. All the way from the parking lot, onto the sidewalk, and behind the line of trees... towards Kirishima's apartment.


Why did that sound so familiar?


Kirishima eventually came to his senses and ordered his drink. He sat down at a round wooden table near the corner and took a sip of his pumpkin spice latte. Yes, a pumpkin spice latte. Leave him alone.

Kaminari would always joke him about how excited he would get about the "annual celebration" of the drink's return. The second the email came across Kiri's phone, Kaminari would get spammed with messages saying, "Get your ass over here were going to Starbucks," and eventually making it to, "Holy fuck I will physically drag you down the road and shove latte down your throat if you don't hurry the hell up."

After scrolling through the explore page for 30 minutes, Kirishima finally finished his drink and made his way back home.


After successfully kicking off his running shoes and tossing his wallet on the bed, Kirishima nosedived into his couch... which wasn't such a good idea.

"FUCK." Kirishima slammed his face into the arm of the peice of furniture. He rolled onto the floor and curled up into a ball, clasping his forehead with both hands. He stretched out a loud groan and sat up, one hand remaining where it was.

Ding dong!

Eijirou's eyes shot over to the door. He blinked a few times before he scrambled to his feet and ran over to the entrance. He stood on his tiptoes and squinted through the peephole...

"HOLY--" He lost balance running backwards and tripped, landing on his ass with a loud thud.

'Why is he here!?' Kirishima was freaking out. He didn't really know why honestly. He'd just met-- SAW-- Bakugo, and he literally landed himself an uncomfortable position on the cheap carpeted floor of his apartment.

There he was. The one and only, Katsuki Bakugo, even better, standing in front of Kirishima's door, ringing his doorbell.

There was some mumbling behind the door and then another ring.

Kirishima hopped up, brushed the invisible dirt off of his gray sleeveless  hoodie, and cautiously made his way to the door. Slowly, he unlocked it and cracked it open.

Well then. How are you guys doing? If you haven't read what I posted, I'll give a short summary...


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm looking forward to reading your comments.

Farewell, for now, see you in the next chapter!

In Your Own Special Ways (( KiriBaku ))Where stories live. Discover now