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Katsuki Bakugou, after delivering the cookies, not-so-calmly walked back into his apartment. Similarly to Kirishima, he nosedived into his piece of furniture--  a beanbag; except, he didn't ram his skull into an arm-rest. Bakugou sat there on his black, leather beanbag staring at all of the god damned boxes sitting in the dusty corner of his new apartment.

"This is all bullshit." he scoffed, shoving himself away from the floor. He walked over to the door and ripped his shoes from his feet and threw them at the ground. "She kicks me out of the fucking house for being gay. What an ANGEL." Bakugou picked up his shoes and violently pitched them to the wall farthest away from him.

Katsuki stood there for a long time, breathing heavily and staring at his shoes. A smirk cracked his stone-cold expression as he spoke with a laugh,
"I knew my world would collapse one day, but I didn't think it could manage to do it in 4 hours."


Kirishima was freezing.

He'd forgotten his jacket when he recklessly left his apartment; he didn't even know if he locked the door or not.

The florescent lights of the grocery store glowed on his skin as he walked frantically up and down the isles, ripping items off of the shelves.

Soon enough, he collected what he needed, payed for his things, and returned to his apartment.

He sighed in relief when he pulled on the door's handle; he had remembered to lock it.


Kirishima, after a couple of hours of remaking batches, had finally finished his baking. He gently placed the chocolate chip cookie brownies inside of a plastic Tupperware container and sent the container inside of another brown paper bag.

He then continued to fold the opening of the paper bag until he was satisfied with the number of times it was rolled over itself. He creaced the folds and stapled them together, attaching a sticky note to the bag before the second staple.

Dear new neighbor,

Thanks so much for the cookies! They were amazing. Here's something in return.

P.S. I'm not allergic to anything, but thanks for the heads-up. :)

After reading the note over for the thousandth time, Ejirou removed his hands from the bag and left it placed next to his sink. He sighed and walked into his bathroom, looked at his drained reflection in the mirror, and sighed again. Kirishima pulled open one of his drawers and grabbed is hair g-- I mean, cement. After successfully sculpting his hair into its normal shape, Eijirou brushed his teeth and made his way back into the kitchen.

"Okay! Time for you to prove that you can somewhat cook." He whispered under his breath as he picked up the bag. Suddenly feeling jittery, Kirishima hopped over to his door and giggled.

He stopped.


"Did I just......" He paused while chills went up his spine, "Giggle?"

Yes, yes he did.

After the horrific experience Kirishima witnessed, he dazily slid his shoes on and opened the door. The hallway was silent. All of the apartment building's residents were either out to dinner or sleeping. Except for Kirishima of course. He was delivering cookie brownies to a very attractive human being that moved into his best friend's old apartment which happened to be RIGHT NEXT DOOR to his. Kirishima didn't snap out if his daze until he reached Bakugou's door.

316, and Kirishima's was 317. Kirishima looked at the number plate for a few seconds.... he had no idea what to say. He quickly turned his back to the door and started quietly rambling to himself.

What if he messed up? What if he stutters-- oh what if he starts choking on his spit? Are the brownies ok? Do they taste good? Oh God he hoped so; he had worked on them for hours...

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

Time froze. Kirishima froze. He was too busy mumbling and flailing his free hand around that he didn't even notice Bakugou opening his door. Eijirou threw his hand down to his side and shoved the bag and Bakugou, waiting for him to grab it. He hid his face by looking down, not wanting Bakugou to see his crimson colored cheeks.

He could still see the sudden blood-rush to Kirishima's ears.

The second he felt the bag become the slightest bit lighter, he booked it. He sprinted the short couple of meters back to his door, struggled to turn the handle, and slammed it behind him.


Word count: 757


I tried writing a little every night, but I kept passing out. T-T  I've had a lot of school work and projects piled on to my already busy schedule recently.

I always want to write, but by the time I'm done with my assignments it's 3am... and my printer stopped working so I couldn't even turn them in on time.

Anyways, I hope I can clear up my schedule enough to post chapters more frequently. It honestly is a stress reliever to write and come up with new ideas for the story.

Farewell, for now, see you in the next chapter!

In Your Own Special Ways (( KiriBaku ))Where stories live. Discover now