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The door opened with a quiet creak, revealing the beautiful boy. In his hand was a brown paper bag; attached to the bag was a slightly crumbled up, yellow sticky note.

Before Kirishima could even start to fumble for words, the bag was shoved into his arms and Bakugo walked away.

Into the apartment next door.

Kirishima began to mumble to himself. "Oh my God did he move into Kami's old apartment? 'S not like I'd be complaining though... Oh I'd get to know him better! He likes black coffee right?-- wait. Kirishima! Slow down you haven't even had a single conversation with this dude... Yeah! And he shoved his bag at you! Not gonna lie, 's kinda rude..!"

Kirishima ranted on and on to himself about all the reasons he shouldn't care until the brown paper bag completely slipped his mind.


Kirishima, being the efficient person he is, completely finished his projects the second he stepped into his apartment Saturday afternoon. He was glad he did, of course, since the projects took him a couple of hours to complete. Now that he was a junior, Kirishima was convinced that every teacher would wait until the last three weeks of the marking period to assign their projects. After finishing the last portion of his Earth Science project, Kirishima decided to rest.

The unnatural red-head, while on his couch, stared up at his cluttered ceiling. Posters and drawings covered almost every inch.

Kirishima enjoyed drawing, but in his opinion he never believed he was all that amazing at it. Some other people (Kaminari to be specific) insisted that his drawings were the "most beautiful things that they'd ever seen," or something else along the lines of that.

Other than a few sketches here and there, almost the entire ceiling was covered in posters. The posters ranged from popular bands or solo artists, to TV shows, movies, and games; each of them stuck up with a bunch of brightly colored pieces of duct tape.

Kirishima began the turn onto his side, the cushions of the couch leaving lines in his skin. There was some shuffling and a few tired grunts until he froze, eyes stuck on the paper bag. He sighed, got up, walked to the front door, and picked up the bag off of the floor.

He eyed the bag for a few seconds, wondering what could be inside. He turned the bag around and read the note.

Hi. I was forced to give you this shit since I'm, 'supposed to be a good neighbor.' -Bakugo Katsuki
P.S. If you're allergic, just fucking throw them away.

Kirishima smiled a bit and continued to open the bag, the room filling with the scent of chocolate chip cookies. A dust of pink coated Eijirou's face as he looked down into the bag. He picked up a cookie and slowly but into it.

Holy shit.

'Holy shit' was the only phrase running through his head. Every few seconds he  would take a breath just to mumble 'holy shit' in awe. In under five minutes, the entire bag was empty. The only things that remained were tiny crumbs... even those were eaten too.

Kirishima abruptly shot up from the floor, grabbed his wallet, shoved his Van's on, and ran.

He left the empty bag on the floor.

Word count: 534

Shit that took way too long to write.
Uh... sorry lol. 'S just hard to tell if I have the right pacing; Dunno if I'm rushing it or not. Let me know so I can add things here and there to slow it down.

Hope you enjoyed that short chapter at least... I promise to do more than 600 words next time ;;

Farewell, for now, see you in the next chapter!

In Your Own Special Ways (( KiriBaku ))Where stories live. Discover now